How the Fantastic Four Makes Money

Dec 23, 2010 22:32

So I was talking to caia_comica, as you do, about superheroines and their impractical costumes and just how important bras are.

harmonyangel: Bras are useful for superheroines!
caia_comica Extremely!
From their boob sizes, they really need them!
harmonyangel: Seriously!
Otherwise they would bounce all over the place PAINFULLY.
caia_comica Indeed. Which is bad for fighting crime.
harmonyangel: There are plenty of opportunities for pain in that line of work.
No need for extra, preventable pain!
caia_comica No! And in the Marvel universe, you can probably get ones made from unstable molecules!
harmonyangel: That's actually how Reed Richards funds the FF.
He's developed a line of unstable molecule bras.

harmonyangel: They are ALL THE RAGE
And totally explain the improbable busts of every woman in the Marvel U.
caia_comica Yes. Exactly!
They were Sue's idea.
harmonyangel: Of course.
Though Johnny also supported the plan.
He is in favor of women's lingerie.
caia_comica Oh, definitely!
He has lots of suggestions.
harmonyangel: Ben, on the other hand, thinks they're all crazy.
caia_comica He's correct.
harmonyangel: Of course
caia_comica Well, not particularly in that regard. Except for Reed.
Who wouldn't have thought of them in a million years, but is happily working out all the engineering issues.
And probably coming across as a huge creep.
harmonyangel: Hahaha
He just needs to MEASURE a lot of women so he can MAKE THEM SCIENTIFICALLY PERFECT!
He doesn't understand why Sue's friends are all giving him weird looks and/or slapping him.
caia_comica Yes. And why Sue just strongly suggested he go back to the lab right now and leave the practical research to her!
harmonyangel: Reed is really ok with that, because when Ms. Marvel punches you it HURTs.
caia_comica It does. Even if your body can bend with it.
And if anyone could get away with asking lots of superheroines for boob measurements, it's Sue.
harmonyangel: Yep!
caia_comica She is really good at not being creepy.
harmonyangel: Which her husband and brother are NOT.
Ben could get away with it, but he would die of embarrassment first.
It's a good thing you can't see a blush on orange rock.
caia_comica It is!
Although the idea of Ben going around and asking everyone for their boob measurements is adorable.
harmonyangel: Heee, yes.
caia_comica I don't think he'd be very good with the measuring tape, though.
harmonyangel: I was thinking that.
Big fingers, little tape.
caia_comica Yes.
harmonyangel: I wonder if Sue has an innate sense of how big her forcefields are.
Because if she could just wrap one around the woman and know instantly, that would make it all much easier.
caia_comica It would!
She could measure EVERYTHING.
harmonyangel: And that is how SHE makes money for the FF.
In her spare time, she's a surveyor.

I miss posting convos like this to LJ. This is what makes fandom FUN!

chat, marvel, crack, online friends

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