Yuletide Reveals

Jan 02, 2010 22:08

Happy New Year, flist! I've read a lot of amazing Yuletide fics, but I also have, at last count, about 150 more bookmarked, so my recs list is going to have to wait for awhile, if it ever happens.

However, reveals are up, so it's time for that post! My gift, Three-Moon Nights, from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, was written by oxoniensis, whose work I've always admired. Plus, she's British, making the Tennessee Williams-accurate language and setting even more of a triumph, and she agrees with me that Robert Redford would totally have been Skipper.

Meanwhile, I wrote two fics for Yuletide this year. The first was unguessable for anyone who didn't catch a few sporadic tweets referring to the source material: a fic for The Authority, a Wildstorm comic book series, called Urban Affairs.

Amusingly, I matched on two of my recipient's (vpshinra's) awesome requests, one for Fables and one for Young Avengers, but it was the Authority prompt that really grabbed me -- Jack Hawksmoor, romancing cities. I'd never read any of the Authority and only knew about it through fannish osmosis, but I loved the idea of writing about a character's relationship to cities, especially since I'd visited so many myself this year. So I crammed the first 30 issues of the series and the 6-issue Hawksmoor miniseries into my head, and this fic was the result. The hardest thing about it was tagging it -- how do you categorize a guy metaphorically having sex with cities? But I had a good time writing it, and I was very thankful to smirnoffmule for being a wonderful (and canon-knowledgeable) beta.

I also wrote a treat, based on my musings on what must have happened to Sal Romano between seasons 1 and 2 of Mad Men. It's called Mamma Mia, and is a brief scene between Sal and his mother over the dinner table. It's kind of inconsequential, and was written pretty quickly, but it was fun to work in a new fandom.

(Both fics were, as is usual with my fics, also betaed by the lovely and talented likeadeuce. I hope I never have to write for her in a ficathon, because she'd realize it IMMEDIATELY if I wasn't babbling to her about what I was writing.)

I'll be posting both of these stories in my journal for archiving purposes over the next few days, as well as my year-in-fic post. For now, I have to go bake some more cookies!

fic, movies, comics, yuletide, mad men

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