My mood is much better. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who commented on the last post. <333333333333 I totally have the best flist ever.
So I finally saw Spider-Man 3. I have... pretty much the same opinions as everyone else, so there's no use getting into them. It was not well-made, and it was too long, and that was definitely not the Peter Parker I know and love from the comics, but I was still entertained. Also, I love Harry, and Harry/Peter/MJ=total OT3.
But right now, it's time to talk about my other OT3. This conversation spawned after I looked at
this old post on
scans_daily, in which Logan, in feral state, licks Scott to see if he's alive or not.
likeadeuce: seriously. who doesn't want to lick scott?
likeadeuce: i mean REALLY
harmonyangel: Sadly a lot of the fandom. Apparently.
likeadeuce: denial!
harmonyangel: But I'll gladly volunteer for the job.
harmonyangel: I wonder if "Scott-licking" could be an actual profession?
likeadeuce: hee
harmonyangel: We'd be qualified and enthusiastic!
likeadeuce: Logan would beat us up :-\
likeadeuce: either Jeannie licks him, or I do
likeadeuce: OR NO ONE DOES
harmonyangel: Wouldn't Jean also beat us up?
harmonyangel: I'm possibly more scared of her.
likeadeuce: well yeah
likeadeuce: she would do things to our brains
harmonyangel: I'd rather not live the rest of my life thinking I'm a nematode.
likeadeuce: yes
harmonyangel: So we'd be functional nematodes with claw scars.
harmonyangel: Suddenly Scott-licking sounds like a somewhat dangerous industry to enter.
likeadeuce: ask Emma!
harmonyangel: But Logan didn't beat her up!
likeadeuce: no, logan hugged her
likeadeuce: so maybe if Jean beats us up first
likeadeuce: and we whine a lot
likeadeuce: Logan will hug us
harmonyangel: This might be a fair tradeoff.
likeadeuce: we are totally a TEAM in this, btw, clearlly
harmonyangel: Haha.
likeadeuce: "I know, girls, I know
likeadeuce: Everybody wants to lick Cyke.
likeadeuce: but Jean Grey's a special lady."
likeadeuce: "I've snuck a lick myself now and then --
harmonyangel: The real question is, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Scott Summers?
likeadeuce: hahhahah
likeadeuce: wow, deep thought
harmonyangel: I may save the Scott-licking part of this convo and post it to LJ, if you don't mind.
likeadeuce: hahhaha, go for it.
likeadeuce: just make sure to add that I don't care who James Marsden is
harmonyangel: Of course.
LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)