Life Update - Book Manuscript Finished!

Jan 22, 2019 12:38

 On Sunday night, my book writing partner and I finally submitted our manuscript to our publisher for peer review. We had been working together at my home for just shy of two weeks.

All told, it took us six years and two weeks to get this thing written and submitted. I'm so thankful to have it off my plate for a while. (It's something like 375 pages!)

This is my second scholarly book, and while these kinds of projects are always a joy, they are also exhausting - particularly if you are at an institution like mine that doesn't give faculty any release time for scholarship. You're always snatching time over breaks and in the middle of the night to try and get some work done.

My Other Half was also invaluable, keeping us both encouraged and fed and in a good mood. :)

Right now I'm just really grateful that it's done - and I'm running full-tilt into the new semester! Off to my first class right now.

life of an academic, rl

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