Jun 19, 2005 11:43
This has been such a great weekend!
Friday: Supnas house after school with JessM.
Went to the Relay For Life thing and filled bags with sand and lined them up on the track with JessT. and Felisha. When they left I made crafts with little kids at some station thing and then played soccer the rest of the night with Mia, Taylor, DanM. and Ari. Girls against Dan and Joe (little brother) woo we kicked ass even though i suck at soccer! Around 8;30 my dad drove me down to Kim's cause she was had people over for her birthday. Everyone was there, we swam and ate (duh). A fun time until Bredan freaking chopped off his finger.. well not really but close. It was disgusting but get better brendan!! Happy Belated Birthday Kimmy!
Saturday: I woke up at Kim's with Carrie, Jess, Supna and Meghan. We just hung around danced and ate. I left around 1;00, came home and cleaned up my room. Then I called Lizzo to see if she wanted to come to my dance recital and she said sure and then she invited me over to GARDEN! yayay At her house we gardened and stuff then walked to the OCS. Around 5;00ish we got dropped off at my house and I prepped for my recital AND THEN MY COSTUME RIPPED! Thank god liz was there because i cant sew for crap so she fixed the gigantic hole in leg. Dance was awesome we did so good except once again we laughed the entire time because after like the first 30 seconds I guess Bry messed up so I hear her go "SHIT!" and then we all just lost it.<3 We dropped Liz off at 9:30ish and my dad got PapaGinos pizza which was delcious.
Sunday: HAPPY FATHERS DAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE! Theres like a week left of school so awesome! Well I dont know what I'm doing today but I hope you all have a great day:)
p.s. I love you
credit: ohlalalayouts