Update on life later...

Jun 19, 2008 00:26

[one]What color is your toothbrush?
Umm I have an electric one that I'm supposed to bring between both houses, but I always forget..and its mostly white. the one at my moms house is..blue? i think im making that up.

[two]Name one person that made you smile today?
Umm Brittany, for one, because we watched funny videos online and then recited them the rest of the day..and then a bunch of people at work, making sarcastic jokes.

[three]What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
Um, sleeping? what else? i went to bed at like 2, haha.

[four]What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
eating a cupcake, and sitting here cause im damn lazy tonight

[five]What is your favorite chocolate bar?
Snickersss! Mmmm. Mommy sometimes surprises me with one..and its like the best present EVER.

[six]Have you ever been to a strip club?
no thanks

[seven]What is the last thing you said aloud?
"Hi daddy im home. are you alright? okay, well goodnight. KIA, get out of here.

you're so annoying!!"

[eight]What is the best ice cream flavor?
snickerrrrrrrs or chocolate fudge.

nothing compares :)

[nine]What was the last thing you had to drink?
milkkkk :)

[ten]What was the last thing you had to eat?
hostess cupcake, that did NOT really fill me up :(

[eleven]Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
ummm not this week, but last week when i went to the outlets :) it was funnnn

[twelve]The last sporting event you watched?
Dumb finals game. stupid celtics..turned it off after the 3rd when they were up by 24.

[thirteen]What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?

[fourteen]15, Who is the last person you sent a message on myspace?

[fifteen]Ever go camping?
yeeeah, with girlscouts a bunch, and on the beach freshmen year.

i love camping :)

[sixteen]Do you take vitamins daily?
no, mom always gets on me about that..when im sick :( i forget!

[seventeen]Do you go to church every Sunday?
every other, cause only go when im at my moms. but once i get a car, ill be there every week. its kind of sad that im the only reason we actually GO.

[eighteen]Do you have a tan?
not much, yet,

[nineteen]Do you like Chinese food over pizza?
noooooooooooooooooo! but its yummy

[twenty]Do you drink your soda with a straw?

[twenty-one]What did your last text message say?

true friend! if i wasnt sick i'd meet you halfway"

[twenty-two]What are you doing tomorrow?
sleeping in, LUNCHDATE w/ anna & kat, maybe hanging out afterwards, reading, relaxing, etc.

[twenty-three]Look to your left, what do you see?
chair with a bowl of grapes on it? weird.


[twenty-four]What color is your watch?
pink & its barbie & plastic

[twenty-five]what do you think of when you hear Australia?
kangaroos and accents

[twenty-six]What is your birthstone?
diamond - lame, right?

[twenty-seven]Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
depends, but usually drive thru

[twenty-eight]What is your favorite number?

[twenty-nine]Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?
no idea..now, whenever someone calls me, im like 'WHAT? my phone is ringing?' probably jenny or dad.

[thirty]Any plans today?
sleep! thats all.

[thirty-one]How many states have you lived in?
three :)

[thirty-two]Biggest annoyance right now?
immaturity, dishonesty, not having a car, and not hanging out with friends in awhile..

[thirty-three]Last song listened to?

[thirty-four]Can you say the alphabet backwards?
haa noo thats hard

[thirty-five]Do you have a maid service clean your house?
nooooope, and mom always reminds me of that.

[thirty-six]Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
my moccasins :)

[thirty-seven]Are you jealous of anyone?

[thirty-eight]Is anyone jealous of you?
why wouldnt they be? ha, just kidding..i dont know

[thirty-nine]Do you love anyone?
fo sho

[forty]Do any of your friends have children?

[forty-one]What do you usually do during the day?
relax, read, watch tv, go outside..etc etc. haha.

[forty-two]Do you hate anyone that you know right now?

[forty-three]Do you use the word "hello" daily?
probably..especially if im at work, omgosh.


[forty-four]Do you like cats?
yeah but dang do they get annoying

[forty-five]Have you ever been to Six Flags?

[forty-six]How did you get your worst scar?
either when i broke my toe..actually no, its almost all gone. so the one on my ankle from tubing at choir camp last year...i had to swim upstream cause we got away from the group haha
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