Select Guide to SSHG Drabbles (HBP Era)

Mar 03, 2008 22:39

Within this post is listed SSHG drabbles I found memorable posted after July 15, 2005 and before July 21, 2007, as well as ones nominated in the HBP round of the sshg_awards.

I earlier posted complete guides of all stories in that period of various lengths. I wasn’t able to do a complete guide for the short stories, there are over a thousand on FFN alone. It would simply take far too much of my time to put them on a spreadsheet and code them on LJ-it could take 30 posts. Similarly, there are just too many drabbles in the period out there to list-a tribute to the success of grangersnape100 during this period.

Below are links to the SSHG HBP Guides I made:

SSHG HBP Epics - Complete Guide - over 100,000 words

SSHG HBP Novels - Complete Guide - over 40,000 and less than 100,000 words

SSHG HBP Novellas - Complete Guide - over 10,000 and less than 40,000 words

SSHG HBP Short Stories - Select Guide - under 10,001 words

SSHG HBP WIPs - Partial List - unfinished stories

I starred my top six favorites in each category.

So, in the order in which they were posted:

HBP SSHG Drabbles - Select Guide


1) insper_a_shen, Freshly Mown Grass and New Parchment and (G) 100 words
Publish Date: 8/07/05
Genres: Romance, Fluff
Alt Link:
Summary: AU, but contains a concept from HBP. A quick 100 word one shot. Severus concocts a plan to get Hermione to divulge her real feelings towards him.
Rec: sshg_awards (nominee)

2) myherodrowning, What You See Is What You See (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 8/23/05
Genres: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Challenge: Confessions

3) droxy, Heroes Are All Wet (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 8/24/05
Genres: Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: Answer to the Snape Saves The Day 100 word challenge on grangersnape100 live journal. Why is a soaking wet Professor Snape in the library looking for Hermione Granger?

4) imhilien, Love Potion (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 10/05/05
Genres: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Challenge: #31 - Troubles with Draco

ladyofthemasque, Do You Think I'm Pretty? (G) 100 words
Publish Date: 11/03/05
Genres: Humor, Romance, Fluff
Summary: 100 words of why 'No' should always be explained.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (winner)

6) Area52, Oh Dear (G) 100 words
Publish Date: 11/20/05
Genres: Humor, Fluff
Summary: A drabble on how Snape takes things way too seriously. AU, non HBP-compliant.

7) queenofsquick (wormey), Harder! (R) 100 words
Publish Date: 1/29/06
Genres: Humor
Summary: She’s putty in his hands...

8) queenofsquick (wormey), How to be a father - Snape Style! (R) 100 words
Publish Date: 1/29/06
Genres: Humor
Summary: How does a wizard deal with a baby?

9) aussiemozzie (Rickmanlover24601), Only One Way (G) 100 words
Publish Date: 2/04/06
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: 100 words. Hermione tries to find a way to express her feelings. SSHG

10) pearle9240, Love Is Never Having To Use A Buttonhook Again (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 2/27/06
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Romance
Summary: Challenge: Buttons

11) imhilien, No Regrets (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 2/28/06
Genres: Drama, Angst
Summary: Challenge: Buttons

closetravenclaw, Memories (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 3/02/06
Genres: Angst
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Alt Link 3:
Summary: 100 Word Drabble. Hermione remembers Severus.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee)

13) sophierom, A Strange Pair of Lovers (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 5/13/06
Genres: Darkfic, Angst
Summary: Challenge: First Kiss

14) ginny_weasley31, Long Overdue (G) 100 words
Publish Date: 6/03/06
Genres: Angst, Drama
Summary: Challenge: Snape's Medal
Recs: sshg_awards (nominee)

snapeophile, Balancing Act (G) 100 words
Publish Date: 6/05/06
Genres: Angst
Summary: Challenge: My heart lies with the Order.
Recs: KIA

snapeophile, He Really Should've Asked (G) 100 words
Publish Date: 8/05/06
Genres: Humor
Summary: Challenge: Altering Appearances
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (runner-up)

17) chasing100rainbows (kippinator), I Should Feed Him (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 9/05/06
Genres: Humor
Summary: Hermione hasn’t fed Severus yet, but she probably should.

wolf_moonshadow, Rita Skeeter, R.I.P. (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 9/30/06
Genres: Humor
Summary: CHALLENGE: Epitaph Challenge
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee)

19) lilithj, The Invitation (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 10/18/06
Genres: Drama, Angst
Summary: Challenge: Trick or Treat

20) iqeret (Ladymage Samiko), Trick (R) 100 words
Publish Date: 10/21/06
Genres: Romance, PWP
Summary: Inspired by the grangersnape100 'Trick or Treat' challenge. Which should Hermione choose?

21) ttfs (Anastasia), Brittle (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 11/5/06
Genres: Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Response to the "Runaway" challenge on the grangersnape100 LJ community.
Rec: sshg_awards (nominee)

22) bambu345, Reprisal (R) 100 words
Publish Date: 11/20/06
Genres: Darkfic
Summary: Challenge: Week 28, Dark!Hermione

snapeophile, There's Always a First Time (PG-13) 100 words
Publish Date: 1/21/07
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance, Fluff
Summary: Challenge: 50 Points from Slytherin
Recs: KIA

24) lilithj, Contrasts (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 1/30/07
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: Challenge: Page 197

25) larilee, Leather (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 2/08/07
Genres: Humor
Summary: Hermione’s hands, shaking ever-so-slightly, reached out to caress the leather.

26) imhilien, Hidden Fears (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 6/06/07
Genres: Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: Snape confronts his boggart... and one of his worst fears. For the 'Boggart Challenge' at grangersnape100.
Rec: sshg_awards (nominee)

27) larilee, Boggarts (PG) 100 words
Publish Date: 6/08/07
Genres: Drama
Summary: Challenge: Boggart

28) dracoharry4ever, Peeved (NC-17) 100 words
Publish Date: 7/12/07
Genres: PWP, Humor
Summary: Just a little 100 word drabble. A definite PWP.

Drabble Series

wolf_moonshadow, A Parting Word 'Ere I Must Go (G) 1,477 words
Publish Date: 11/27/05
Genres: Drama, Romance, Friendship
Summary: Hermione usually thanks all of her professors at the finish of each school year. Her encounters with Professor Snape, however, tend to be rather more… complicated. A series of eleven one-hundred word vignettes, spanning from the end of Hermione’s first year, through the end of the war. HBP compliant with spoilers.
Rec: sshg_awards (winner)

2) notsosaintly, Impromptu Seduction (NC-17) 1,028 words
Publish Date: 2/23/06
Genres: Romance, PWP
Summary: Avoiding Mrs. Norris can be quite stimulating... a series of 100-word drabbles in nine parts.
Rec: sshg_awards (nominee)

3) triskell, Only One Thing (G) 432 words
Publish Date: 3/11/06
Genres: Romance, Drama
Summary: Snape is glad that Hermione has left. A series of 100-word drabbles.

4) keladry_lupin, Just a Kiss (PG) 700 words
Publish Date: 5/7/06
Genres: Fluff, PWP
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione and Severus witness a first in their daughter's life. Seven 100-word drabbles, originally written for the LJ grangersnape100 group.
Rec: sshg_awards (nominee)

5) gypsy_morph (JenKM1216), Eternal Love (PG-13) 484 words
Publish Date: 6/01/06
Genres: Romance, Drama, Darkfic
Summary: A love story, told in four 100 word parts.
Recs: Multi-faceted Winner (Best Drabble and Best Darkfic)

gypsy_morph (JenKM1216), The Sponge Bath (PG-13) 1,147 words
Publish Date: 6/14/06
Genres: Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: Severus is in the hospital being cared for by Hermione.
Note: There are two sequels: The Not So Long Awaited Sponge Bath Sequel, A Serious Medical Condition
Recs: KIA, fangirl_tour, QtP Winner (Best Series), sshg_awards (nominee)

7) sshg316, The Betrayal (PG-13) 5,879 words
Publish Date: 6/23/06
Genres: Drama, Romance, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: Who is the betrayer and who is the betrayed? An angst-ridden romantic drabble series.
Rec: sshg_awards (runner-up)

8) wolf_moonshadow, Perchance to Dream (PG) 2,000 words
Publish Date: 6/26/06
Genres: Drama, Romance, Friendship
Summary: CHALLENGE: Broken Memory Charm

9) lady_rhian, Redemption & Brandy (PG-13) 1,100 words
Publish Date: 6/28/06
Genres: Romance, Humor
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: A series of ten drabbles. Hermione Granger must grapple with her feelings for Severus Snape and act accordingly after too many glasses of brandy.
Rec: sshg_awards (nominee)

10) lady_rhian, A Hero's Worth (PG-13) 3,604 words
Publish Date: 6/28/06
Genres: Romance, Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: A six part drabble series. Hermione and other Order members are in St. Mungo's. Severus has been Obliviated. What does this mean for Hermione?

snapeophile, A Leap Back into Faith (G) 848 words
Publish Date: 6/30/06
Genres: Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: Eight part drabble response to Broken Memory Charm Challenge on LJ’s grangersnape100. Hermione loses her memory, can Severus bring her back?

12) juli_min, Snippets of Life (PG) 759 words
Publish Date: 8/05/06
Genres: Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: This is a collection of 100-word drabbles, dedicated to the relationship of Severus and Hermione.

13) acadia_elle, Wondering, Vowing, Knowing, and Fulfilling (R) 482 words
Publish Date: 8/20/06
Genres: Romance
Summary: Just archiving more responses to Granger Snape 100 challenges. This is a very short drabble series. SS HG of course. Not Beta Read. HG is OVER 18.

14) ginny_weasley31, The Days (R) 1,589 words
Publish Date: 8/23/06
Genres: Romance, Drama, Angst
Summary: A story centered around the importance of the days of the week. Written for the "Married to Another" challenge at grangersnape100 on LiveJournal. A set of 14 100-word drabbles.
Rec: sshg_awards (nominee)

15) acadia_elle, Her Best Light (PG) 482 words
Publish Date: 10/23/06
Genres: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Trick or Treat GrangerSnape100 challenge response. Just archiving more responses to Granger Snape 100 challenges. Her Best Light is a collection of 5, hundred word installments.

16) snapeophile, Snape's Halloween Epiphany (PG) 640 words
Publish Date: 11/05/06
Genres: Romance, Fluff
Summary: What tricks or treats await Hermione and Severus on Halloween? Sixpart drabble series for grangersnape100.

17) somigliana, Spinning Drabbles (PG-13) 6,461 words
Publish Date: 12/05/06
Genres: Romance, Drama, Angst
Summary: A series of drabbles, woven into a continuous story about Severus' past, and his and Hermione's future.

bambu345, Couplets (R) 2,632 words
Publish Date: 12/05/07
Genres: Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: The war is over and Severus Snape contemplates what he has lost.
Recs: crack_broom, sshg_awards (nominee)

19) imhilien, A Gryffindor's Revenge (PG) 300 words
Publish Date: 2/05/07
Genres: Darkfic
Summary: Challenge: Snape Has It All
Recs: KIA

20) bambu345, Dreams Come True (NC-17) 1,564 words
Publish Date: 2/07/07
Genres: Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: Sometimes the journey is worth it.
Recs: crack_broom

21) melusin_79, ... It Tolls for Thee (NC-17) 1,835 words
Publish Date: 3/10/07
Genres: Humor
Summary: A series of 100 word drabbles, written for the grangersnape100 Community, 'Hogwarts: A History' Challenge. This is the 'baby' fic I swore I’d never write.

22) protect_vester, Vertical Stripes Can Make You Taller (PG) 1,000 words
Publish Date: 4/02/07
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: Challenge: I Told You So
Note: Illustrated

larilee, Theirs (PG-13) 1,200 words
Publish Date: 5/04/07
Genres: Drama
Summary: Challenge: How Can You Fix a Broken Heart Challenge. the sequel to "His and Hers"

24) melusin_79, Virgin on the Ridiculous (NC-17) 917 words
Publish Date: 6/17/07
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: A serial drabble in response to the 'Double Standards' prompt, grangersnape100 community at livejournal.
Rec: sshg_awards (nominee)

bambu345, Silly Little Girl (PG-13) 5,491 words
Publish Date: 6/22/07
Genres: Adventure
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: Drabble series written for the 'compulsion' prompt at grangersnape100, Hermione, Harry and Ron have been on the Horcrux hunt for seven months when a letter from Snape lands in her lap ... literally.

26) eoforyth (DawnEB), Room 211 (PG-13) 1,261 words
Publish Date: 7/08/07
Genres: Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: Severus follows Hermione to a Muggle hotel. A drabble series of 12 X 100 words, for the grangersnape100 Deception and Undergarment challenges.

I’d never thought much of drabbles when I was in Trek. Just seemed these disposable pieces that people would post if they were hungry for a review hit. I remember being a little dismissive if anything at first with droxy when she pimped grangersnape100 to people in WIKTT Chat. And if you look on the archive of the group, pre-HBP the place was near dead.

As a reader, having grangersnape100 on your f-list is like having nice little SSHG bon bons pass you by. The number and quality of drabble and drabble series have exploded in the HBP period. And for someone trying to break writer’s block, or even just give writing a try, it’s a good group to dip into.

That it’s now such a thriving community-well, I credit Droxy, it’s Mod, for that. Droxy is the kind of person who will literally *refuse* to hear ill of her fellow fanficer. She keeps GS100 clique and wank-free and flame-resistant, yet it’s rich in reviews-and often thoughtful, critical ones. Hell, I usually get more reviews there for a 100 word drabble than I do for a 10,000 word chapter of my WIP on FFN. In fact it’s so much fun, I have to restrain myself from not drabbling even more regularly, and as a member there, I can tell you it’s a guaranteed mood pick-me-up to post there.

I’d encourage people to join the group-you can sign up for a team here (Order, DE or Spy) and otherwise the rules are on the profile page. You can find team icons provided by Gelsey and somigliana here (Order) and here (DE) and made by pearle924 here

Most of the authors above I know from their fuller stories-if there’s one that made me a fan on her drabbles alone, it’s snapeophile. Her single drabbles and series are memorable and often affecting and impressive.

And btw, the sshg_awards are about to begin nominating-and they have categories for both drabble and drabble series.

This concludes (as wonderfulwrites put it), the HBP Survey of Doom... Enjoy catching up on your reading-I sure did.

sshgguides, hbp, fic recs, hbpsshgguide, ss/hg

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