I’ll write you a ficlet-you need to give me a pairing (or character(s)) and a Exchange-like prompt or two. I for my part will try to write something more than a drabble and less than the usual short story (so over 500 words and under 1,000).
I’m giving myself a deadline of Valentines’ Day-so if you want it to fit that theme I’m game.
Just saw some others do it on my f-list (particularly
regann)-and I’m trying to jumpstart a muse, who, whenever I open up Word and glare just laughs and laughs...
Now, if you want to post up your own challenge in return, that would be nice-but not requiring it.
My fandoms are Harry Potter and Trek. Not sure I could manage Buffy or Firefly for a ficlet...
Edits: Have my three takers. I’m doomed... Well, could be worse-at least no one asked for Lucius...
You know,
silburygirl is also doing this-and I believe she has a slot left. You know what they say about misery...
And here's the results so far:
1) For
renitaleandra: “
Travel is Broadening”
2) For
refrainofdreams “
Stripped Bare”
3) For
silburygirl “
Ways to Charm”
4) For
lifeasanamazon “
One Ring to Bind Him” (bonus ficlet)
lifeasanamazon had a ficlet of her own she shared, “
silburygirl in turn gifted me with a fic,