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Comments 19

silburygirl July 16 2007, 08:55:13 UTC
Considering that I'm currently flinging myself into uncharted areas of the internet, begging people to spoil me, I'm with you on the spoiler policy. I'll use cuts, but mostly so that I don't end up being flogged.

Snape will die saving Harry

Ignoring any and all rabid shipper tendencies, I really hope not, if only because death is such an easy ending. It's far easier to forgive someone who died saving you than someone who helped you in spite of mutual hatred but is still alive. Not to mention far more interesting.


harmony_bites July 16 2007, 09:07:43 UTC
if only because death is such an easy ending. It's far easier to forgive someone who died saving you than someone who helped you in spite of mutual hatred but is still alive.That's rather the strongest counterargument. I had thought since Book 6 two things (and I wasn't a shipper or even Snape fan then ( ... )


silburygirl July 16 2007, 09:40:57 UTC
Would JKR really let Snape get away with a rather happy ending? Doesn't he have to pay a price? And if, as I think he is loyal to the side of the Light--is there really any better way to prove it?

The suffering and angst would be enough... :D

I agree that his death is likely and perhaps even imminent, but it doesn't mean that I'm not going to spend every spare moment before Friday at 11:59pm trying to convince myself otherwise.

I think that if he turns out evil, any remaining illusions I have regarding the talent of published authors will disintegrate... Worse than cheating, it would be boring.


harmony_bites July 16 2007, 19:41:18 UTC
You know--I didn't even like Snape before Book 6--that's what started my re-evaluation of him. Two years ago, I'd say I would have wanted Snape both to turn out good and dead because it would mean I was right... right... right.

Even two months ago, I looked at Snape's death with equanimity, and felt so sure about his loyalties I don't feel a qualm.

But unlike two years ago I'm completely emotionally invested in the character and I'm really dreading what JKR will do. I don't know that I trust her.


lifeasanamazon July 16 2007, 09:08:55 UTC
Email me the alternate ending?


harmony_bites July 16 2007, 09:14:01 UTC
LOL. It's REAL short--two paragraphs but I'll do that. (Assuming Yahoo email ever, ever loads...)


wade_scott July 16 2007, 11:45:35 UTC
About those predictions...

Yup, yup. I'm on board the Harmony Train on those. Lemme throw in one of my own: Dudley Dursley will perform magic of some sort. His spoilery has got to be to keep his magic under wraps--just like the abuse was meant to stifle Harry's. I bet he did see the Dementors and that's what frightened him the most.

And try not to celebrate too much when/if Lupin dies. ;)


harmony_bites July 16 2007, 19:44:04 UTC
Interesting speculation. My wild card prediction is that we're going to find Lily/Snape canon, but that one I'm unsure enough to put out there.

And actually, I won't cheer if Remus dies--I don't like him, but I don't particularly care one way or another.

If Lucius were to die otoh...


wade_scott July 17 2007, 00:18:35 UTC
Dude, if Lily/Snape is confirmed (even if it's not a romantic ship), I'll be screaming "I told you so!" until judgement day.

Or the police come. Whichever.


britt_1975 July 16 2007, 12:26:28 UTC
*ahem* I've been meaning to tell you this, over and over again...but I keep getting sidetracked. I would dearly love to read BOS...but...I'm afraid to. :-)) It's the same reason that I haven't yet read The Summoning by Bambu. I'm a TERRIBLE nag when it comes to people I know writing WIPs. It's one thing if I just stumble across something on Ashwinder or something. I may whine about it in my journal...but I usually leave the author alone. However, it's a completely different thing if I have a rapport with the author...I find myself unable to resist prodding the author with not-so-gentle comments like PLZ OMG UPDATE NOW OR I'LL DIE!!!1111 ( ... )


harmony_bites July 16 2007, 19:48:26 UTC
Heh--it's OK. I'm somewhat reluctant to read WIPs myself--not so much for your reasons--rather the opposite. I get tired of the so infrequent updates and afraid the author will never finish. I should warn you that if I do continue, I have no idea when I'd finish. I'm trying hard to be better about updates--but the damn thing isn't half finished.

I really can't be sure of the fate of BOS until DH. My feeling is that if Snape dies but is redeemed I'll continue, but if he turns out evil I doubt I'll even be reading HP fanfic anymore.

I'm a bit undecided whether I'm going to rush off for the spoilers after all. I'm torn between feeling I *have* to know and wanting to stick my head in the sand as long as possible.


lillithj July 16 2007, 15:11:09 UTC
::cover ears::


I can't hear you!

This is in reference to Snape dying.

Nope, still can't hear you!


But I have prepared myself just in case.


harmony_bites July 16 2007, 19:54:33 UTC
LOL. Well, you're the lucky one. I do sometimes read outside the ship, and I wrote *one* Draco/Hermione as a birthday present for a friend. However, I think Snape is really central to me, and what happens to the character will really affect how I enjoy the fandom and whether I drift away pretty quickly.

But you have Lucius. And I have a feeling that damned cockroach will survive. I just do.


lillithj July 16 2007, 19:57:08 UTC
Lucky? I'll have to figure out a good way for Severus to stopper death so I can finish my albatross.

I hope so. I do love my little blond cockroach.


harmony_bites July 16 2007, 20:00:20 UTC
Ah, but there is the beauty of AU with Golem--after all, wasn't it even pre-OotP?

And don't talk about Golem like that! ~whimpers~ ::pets albatross--hands stopper to Lilith::


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