I came across an old post I made on a cross-fandom group asking why HP was so different-it’s a year old. Then I look at
Ashwinder and notice I became a member on 9/23/05. So I guess it’s official-I’m not a newbie. Harry Potter fandom is different in so many ways, and I thought I’d list them here before I completely forget the shock and take it for
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Comments 26
I've always attributed my 'culture shock' to the changes in the internet in the past 10 years, but asyou show, there really are other significant differences.
I wouldn't go so far, at least in terms of Trek, but I was active there years later than you were and left around the time the quantity and quality crashed with the end of Enterprise I did do Star Trek Recs for the hell of it on my LJ, for those few who might be Trek fans too, and came up with over 100 recs--and I seriously cherry-picked those--I didn't want to overdo the recs for certain authors. Classic Trek (the Original) predominated because I was far less well read in the other series, and because I prefer Het and Gen I wasn't that enamoured of many slash works many would consider classic, so my list is far from comprehensive. Just reflective of what I read over the 3 years I was ( ... )
Heh, well compared to you... I think though once you lose your Freshman status you have no right to that name ::sniff:: It would have been nice to actually have finished my first story in the ship before reaching this status.
I know being a part of the ST:Voy (J/C) in particular, I was on the very edges of the fandom. We use the yahoo groups mostly and we had the J/C fic archive which was a collection of links to stories.I was on the edges of Voy (and completely immersed in TOS) but involved enough that I knew some of the "later" JCers well--Rocky, Jemima, and Penny Proctor. Penny's "Revisionist History" was one of my intros to J/C--fantastic writer who went on to sell professionally. And though Peg and Macedon's Talking Stick/Circle was before my time, I'd still count it my fav fanfic in any fandom. I remember the JetC site--but as you said, really a set of links like Dark Sarcasm for SS/HG, not an archive the way we think of it. There was a group like that also I was aware of for J/P - Jupiter ( ... )
I know many who rave about it as the best show out there. Which, btw, I think sometimes hurts a fandom. Its best if its good enough to hook, but with enough holes that people want to fill them. DS9 was acknowledged as one of the best Treks, maybe THE best, and VOY one of the worse ('till ENT definitively took that title) but VOY fanfic flourished while DS9 was moribound. DS9 was too satisfying I think. Plugged too many wholes, gave too much backstory.
I think in part that is true - BSG is a lot more polished than a lot of the shows out there, although the writers do love dangling cliffhangers and UST and all that other crap that keeps us suckers coming back for more. I would have to say that the fandom (despite my non-presence *g*) is actually thriving. Also despite the fact that the show has had an unusually long hiatus between season 2 and 3. The writers did something at the end of Season two which I don't think I've ever seen done in a TV show and which made everyone go WTF and even fed my imagination during the long months of ( ... )
I've heard this theory before but not quite as strikingly put. I think you must be right. That maybe it *is* the long hiatus driving the WIPs and longer works. Even the longer stories in Trek, I think tend to be written in hiatus, after a season finale hits like a ton of bricks raising questions about what happens next but before the Fall Season hits. My friend's one novel in Buffy was written in the hiatus between Season Five and Six. Voyager's "Revisionist History" by Penny Proctor, a short novel was one of the "return fics" written in the hiatus before the last season.
I was also a member of The Sugarquill by at least a few months before then (even made it to professor) ( ... )
I did drop those original accounts, however, when I tried to unify my accounts under the username TempestOfDreams and first created my LJ (where, unfortunately, someone had already taken my penname even though they don't actually seem to have ever used it). So for anyone looking at my info, it appears I've only been around for a few months. *shrug*
I can tell you how long that lasted. My first story was my WIP. It was uploaded to FFN on 9/14/05. So actually, I'm even older than I thought. So, my resistance lasted not much more than a month.
It's sheer size I think. Trek was aired internationally and we had some Brits, Germans, Dutch, French, and a favorite author of mine was a Swede. But the int'l contingent really wasn't large enough to support stories in their own language, so they were forced to use English.
I've also wondered if the epic issue is more based on the fact that Star Trek was originally based on TV shows - that is, perhaps subconsciously those stories are "episodes"?I've heard that theory. I really don't know the other fandoms well-enough to know if that's true. Does that pattern follow in LOTR, for instance, which is also book-based (although admittedly resparked by the movies ( ... )
Once JKR has all the loose ends tied up to her satisfaction, I've thought to myself that perhaps enough people will be satisfied enough with her version to bypass writing or reading their own. However, for all of us who don't get our choice of ending, do you think it will just keep chugging along? I mean, really, although I know that eventually SS/HG will get together in this imaginary world where I live, I'm pretty sure that JKR disagrees with me. So I'm going to keep on going. But it may get harder for some people if she just ends up her series with SS being a complete murdering bastard. Same with a lot of the other characters as well.
What do you think?
That's true really of all fandoms and isn't unique to HP. Fandoms usually start up during a show, and crash once the last episode ends. Enterprise brought on a crash in quantity and quality in Trekfic even before its demise because the show was so awful and so determined to trash its base. So, yes, I do expect fanfic to diminish after Book 7, especially since it seems JKR is writing an epilogue that ties up all loose ends--lets us know what happened to all the characters for the rest of their lives. Fanfic thrives on loose ends and openings--I don't think JKR will give us much leeway.
However, for all of us who don't get our choice of ending, do you think it will just keep chugging along? I mean, really, although I know that eventually SS/HG will get together in this imaginary world where I live, I'm ( ... )
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