Fic Recs: SS/HG Exchange I

Jul 29, 2006 03:54

I’m not sure if everyone on my f-list or who might be lurking out there knows about the sshg_exchange. Dramoine has such an exchange well-established, this is the first time there’s been one for HG/SS. Basically, the concept is that people come up with prompts for stories they want or art they’d like, and in exchange they write to (or draw to) other’s specifications. The authors/artists are anonymous until the “big reveal” and I thought I’d rec the stories I liked thus far before that happens. It’s been fun trying to guess who are behind the stories I enjoyed. I will certainly add the author/artist names once we know who to credit these gifties with. The exchange just finished, and the "reveal" will be next Sunday.

Btw, one thing that makes this exchange different from the DM/HG is that artists participate as well.

edited 8/06/06 to reflect the identity of the authors.

So, in the order they were posted:

plaidpooka, “The Plushie Problem”
6,969 words, humor (R) - Complete
Summary: An extraordinary accident in Transfiguration class forces substitute teacher for the day, Severus Snape, to take a fresh look at one of his more annoying students.
This, the first story posted, was a lovely way to open the exchange. This was funny, sweet, and charming.

droxy, “The High Cost of Casual Wishes”
8,554 words, Angst, Adult Situations (PG-13) - Complete
Summary: Miscommunication, misunderstanding, and secrecy surrounding a plan based on love damages trust and severely tests a good marriage.
I enjoyed this story, especially the imaginative way the author used magic in her story.

odogoddess, “And So It Comes to This”
11,433 words, Angst, Sex, Humiliation, BDSM, HBP Spoilers, (NC-17) - Complete
Summary: Hermione does her best to help a Severus imprisoned in Azkaban
This was one of the most well-written stories in the exchange-harrowing and ultimately moving.
Note I was rather tickled to find out the name of this author-I recognized the name from Trek, where she was a distinguished Deep Space Nine author.

vanityfair00, “Like Father, Like Son”
2,717 words, character death, (PG) - Complete
Summary: Hermione runs into Professor Snape in the most unexpected place, and there shares in one of life’s inevitable experiences.
I liked how the author gave Hermione and Snape that moment of connection without it becoming trite or cliché.

agtkrycek aka anogete, “Faith and Persuasion”
5,811 words, Violence, Angst, HBP Spoilers, (NC-17) - Complete
Summary: Hermione searches for and finds Snape months after Dumbledore’s murder. She believes he is a good man, but that belief might come into question when she confronts him.
I liked the ambiguity of this Snape, whose loyalty is given to a person rather than a cause.

southernwitch69, “Tangled Webs”
14,033 words, Angst, Darkfic, Graphic Sex, Non-Consensual, (NC-17) - Complete
Summary: Post HBP tale where Snape captures Hermione on Voldemort’s orders. Things happen. Plans are made. Does Voldemort get what he wants or has he been outsmarted once again?
I’m not generally a fan of this kind of scenario or non-con fics at all-but this isn’t twisted into romance, and is interesting for the Tiger or the Lady question posed in the summary-just whose side is this Snape on? And the author takes on the issues of the premise far more honestly than most I’ve read.

rillathegrape, “To Live is to be Slowly Born”
6,743 words, Character Death, Post-HBP (R) - Complete
Summary: Severus thinks that his time on the run has come to an end, but Hermione has other ideas.
This story did a great job credibly building the relationship between Snape and Hermione and the arc in both their characters through the course of the story.

keladry_lupin, “Wolfsbane”
16,313 words, Character Death, (NC-17) - Complete
Summary: Four years after Hermione walked out on her apprenticeship, Severus hears a knock at the door.
Lovely, romantic story-I really loved most of all, the take on werewolves here-and how the author used it to her advantage. Definately one of the best stories on the exchange. Well, imho. Along with "Morning Has Broken" my personal fav on the exchange.

cecille, “Polyjuiced”
9,989 words, Hurt/Comfort, (PG-13) - Complete
Summary: When Snape can think of only one viable option to get an injured Hermione out of Voldemort’s clutches, she suddenly finds herself in a most unexpected situation.
This was a fun and imaginative story laced with humor.

bambu345, “Morning Has Broken”
17,924 words, Character Death, HBP Spoilers, (R) - Complete
Summary: Hermione accidentally encounters her former teacher several years after the war has ended. Something about his behavior is strange, and she cannot help but investigate.
This was hands down my favorite story of the exchange thus far. Extremely moving, with a take on Snape post-war I’ve never read, but most of all it builds a wonderful world of magic all its own within JKR’s-I love how the writer drew you into the mystery and the ultimate solution.

There were two promising WIPs that got their start with the exchange I'd like to follow further, fyiagcg’s “Curiouser and Curiouser”, a charming romantic piece, and ginny_weasley31’s “The Resolution Solution”-the funniest, and one of the most imaginative, fics in the exchange.

There’s also some extraordinary art to savor-my favorite was _odella_’s “Sleep Well, Severus”

fic recs, exchangerecs, ss/hg

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