Just Saw the Film!

Jul 15, 2011 14:05

By myself, because no one I live near is a Potter fan, so naturally that left me jonesing somewhat for the fandom I've abandoned. Somewhat... Anyway, I feel I have to share, so general impression on top, specifics under a cut for those who might consider such things spoilery.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 is an E-ticket, a wonderful ( Read more... )

harry potter film

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harmony_bites July 16 2011, 01:04:59 UTC
I agree Draco came off a lot better than in the book

You know, in the innocent days uncorrupted by fanfic, back when I'd read the Potter books once only, I didn't much like Snape or Draco. Then I read Half-Blood Prince felt deeply for him (I was convinced from hints that Dumbledore had ordered him to) and thought there was more to Draco then I had thought. He hadn't captured my imagination like Snape, but I felt for him in that book. Then, besides becoming a Snape/Hermione fanatic, fanfic really made me like Draco, even see him as another possibility for Hermione--but the last book, while still giving me a Snape to love (more than ever) left Draco a coward--I became squicked even by the thought of shipping him. Felton plays him in such a way though--with barely a line of dialogue--that what I saw wasn't treachery and cowardice, but ambivalence. It makes him so much more sympathetic and interesting.

Hell, even Lucius came across to me as sympathetic in the film, and I usually despise him in film or book.

Neville was my favorite in the movie. And I like love angle they gave him and Luna (I can see his solidity, groundedness, and idealism balancing her whimsy and essential practicality.)

Neville was awesome! I've always actually loved the idea of Harry/Luna. But if one must settle for Harry/Ginny, then I certainly like them better together than were interview canon places them.

And I loved the Molly/Bellatrix duel.

Me too!


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