PC RIP - Thinking of Dipping Into Savings to Buy iMac

Sep 30, 2010 13:57


1) I'm told the PC Desktops which admittedly cost about a third as much are expected to last a quarter as much.

2) It's a beautiful machine and will take up far less of my desk space. Look, mom, no wires!

3) Also, look Mom, no viruses!

Anti? Well, will my old HP printer work with the Mac? And my fav video game isn't compatible. And there goes all my PC software.

You know, my Gateway was venerable. Eight years old before it completely died the black screen of death. It might have lived longer--if I hadn't had to continually clean out viruses and malware and adware that somehow got through firewalls and anti-virus.

Well, anyway, if I'm not in touch in the next several days--you know why,

Also, ultimate question. Can a PC old fart like me make the adjustment?


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