Recs: SS/HG Exchange V

Apr 13, 2009 19:08

This is the fifth sshg_exchange with 173 gifts posted of fic and art. I thought I’d rec the twenty SSHG stories I loved the most and/or found really striking in some way, along with my three favorite art works posted. Far more than what was listed below was well-written or striking in some way. I hope others on my f-list will post their own recs or comment below. I'd love to know which stories and artworks were among your favorites.

In case anyone doesn’t know how it works, the concept is that people come up with prompts for stories they want or art they’d like, and in exchange they write to (or create art to) other’s specifications.

The exchange just finished, and the “reveal” of authors won’t happen for a while. I’ll edit this post after the reveal to reflect the creators’ identities.
Edit: I added the authors' identities below.

All stories in the exchange are complete.

SSHG Fic Recs

So, in the order they were posted:

1) iulia_linnea, Breeding Season (NC-17) 10,033 words, Humor, Adventure, Fluff
Summary: Severus and Hermione's marital bliss is interrupted by bunnies.
This is very crack-ficy, often made me smile, and even made me giggle--yet had a touching moment or two as well. You'll never look at bunnies quite the same way... Wildly inventive.

2) shiv5468, The Beginner's Guide to Breeding Peacocks (NC-17) 10,665 words, Humor, Romance, Fluff, PWP, LMSSHG
Summary: Snape has a theory about Karmic balance - and Peacock Poo.
I hate Lucius and am not fond of threesomes. This slyly pushed against my resistance with its humor and whimsy.(And it probably helps it's short enough my reflexive Lucius-gag reflex didn't have time to kick in). I found this a favorite. Me! That says it all.

3) silburygirl, The Proper Care and Feeding of Zombies (R) 61,375 words, Adventure, Mystery, Humor, Romance, Drama, Angst
Summary: Vampires aren't the only undead in need of a little love.
Tied for first with "Dark Santiago" and "Foreign Country" for my favorite story of the Exchange. A true ensemble tale (Harry, Ron, Theo Nott, Pansy all shine in this. Hell, the story made me a Ron/Pansy shipper!) that is Jossian for its combination of horror, humor and very human and touching moments.

4) warded_portal, All In Good Time (R) 6,671 words, Romance, Fluff, Drama, PWP
Summary: Hermione jots her thoughts down every day before she begins to work. Every day she burns those notes. Severus finds a scrap of unburnt parchment with the words, "I want to touch him." And so he answers.
Left me in a fangirl puddle of goo. I loved the writing, the insights and observations about Snape. Also this author is one of those precious few that can write love scene and have me hanging on every word. Hot and warm.

5) somigliana, The Traveller (PG-13) 21,144 words, Adventure, Drama, Angst, Romance, Alternate Universe
Summary: Hermione has deviated from an obvious life. She has moved down a challenging and divergent, but ultimately lonely, path. She meets Severus Snape by chance one day, and she has some difficult choices to make.
Most definitely not the usual time-turner. I'm a sucker for tales with original magic that have good rationales behind them, that show us a new side to wizarding society, and this definitely did. I found it fascinating for that, as well as for the affecting romance.

6) verseblack, Two Teas and Bribery (G) 1,515 words, Fluff
Summary: Hermione convinces Snape that a Hogwarts reunion might not be so bad.
Short, sweet tale. I liked the banter between the couple and the suggestion this might be the start to something more.

7) misstee123, Breathe (G) 3,562 words, Drama, Angst, Alternate Universe
Summary: Sometimes we have to go back to the beginning in order to find our way to the end.
This was just so well done and moving. Told through a unique point of view, I loved how the author slowly revealed what was unfolding. Nearly left me in tears, and I'm NOT easy.

8) miamadwyn, The Marriage Benefit (or) How Granger And Snape Buggered The Ministry, The Board Of Governors, Minerva And The Entire Hogwarts Staff Whilst Finding True Love (NC-17) 13,449 words, Humor, Romance, Fluff
Summary: It's all about the money.
This has a MLC-like premise which usually leaves me bristling. But I was thoroughly won over within paragraphs. I think the highlight of this fic for me was a defense of Hermione by Snape that made me want to cheer! (with pom poms!)

9) lariopefic, Dark Santiago (NC-17) 17,504 words, Drama, Romance, Angst
Summary: Magical and Muggle worlds collide when two displaced survivors of the Second War meet in an unlikely place.
Just exquisite writing and wonderful characterizations. I could rave about this fic for paragraphs. Just read. Please. I can't imagine you being disappointed. (Btw, the title and premise/prompt might lead you to believe this is darkfic, or that the Snape is dark. Not the case, so if you were hesitating to read because of that...)

10) hayseed42, Toby Snape and the Wholly Holy Hideout (R) 14,819 words, Humor, Romance, Fluff, Crossover
Summary: Dibley may not have been his first choice of places to live, but Toby has been adjusting as best as can be expected under the circumstances. Unfortunately, circumstances have a nasty habit of changing, and not always for the better. A crossover that is obvious in retrospect.
This is a crossover with a British television show I've never seen, The Vicar of Dibley. Crossovers are so difficult. A reader usually needs to know both sources to "get it" and the potential readership usually isn't doubled but at least halved. This one though, I just was completely enchanted by even without knowing the source material. I just really enjoyed the dynamic between Hermione and Snape here--not the usual.

11) death_ofme, By Any Other Name - Variations of a Theme (R) 11,359 words, Drama, Angst, Darkfic
Summary: The tragic story of appearance and roses as told in a collection of vignettes.
This is a rarity in the ship, a true horror story. Not one built on squick or characterizations that take the characters unrecognizably dark, but one built on a truly horrifying situation. This is definitely a creepy tale. But the prose, the imagery, is absolutely gorgeous and compelling.

12) juniperus, The Frog Prince (PG-13) 7,689 words, Humor, Romance, Fluff
Summary: The life and times of a girl and her frog--a fairy tale, re-imagined.
Lovely piece in the style of a fairy tale, the voice and tone was pitch perfect. I liked the take on the characters, the original magic and was left utterly charmed.

13) juno_magic, La Belle Sorcière Sans Merci (R) 11,115 words, Drama, Angst, Romance
Summary: After the war, Hermione and Severus must come to terms with the past and face the consequences of their actions. A bittersweet tale of recovery and mercy, presented in a rising and a falling arc of constrained writing, ranging from drabble to mega-drabble and back.
Gorgeously written story with absolutely lovely prose. A story that deals with the harsh reality of what Snape might have faced had he survived and what Hermione might have faced if what she did to her parents in Deathly Hallows had gone wrong. I found several ideas and insights in this story striking. Angsty, bittersweet tale, but memorable, moving, and ultimately warming. Stylish and different.

14) subvers, This Time (R) 62,168 words, Drama, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Alternate Universe
Summary: After the fall of Voldemort, an inexplicable illness plagues the surviving Death Eaters. Albus Dumbledore has a plan to save Severus Snape-but how, exactly, is Hermione Granger involved?
This story increasingly grew on me as I read it. I was put off at first that this was a post-Deathly Hallows story with Dumbledore still alive. That is usually a signal the author is going to ignore canon--that is, ignore who Snape is. But that wasn't the case here with this AU, even if the story does have the feel of one of those classic time-turners or Seventh Year fics written pre-HBP. This is Snape. Wounded and damaged in his youth by grinding poverty, unrequited love for Lily, bullying and disdain by his peers and bad choices, which in this tale he has a second chance to make over. In the end I was won over by memorable lines, character insights, and above all, that this was just plain fun to read.

15) ubiquirk, Conspiracy Theory (PG-13) 26,283 words, Drama, Angst, Romance, Adventure
Summary: Working as the Ministry’s new Keeper of Records turns out to be not quite what Hermione Granger had in mind. It’s … well, dull, dull, boring, and possibly - no, very definitely - dull. She has a mountain of information at her fingertips - a log of everything officially recorded in the Wizarding world - and most of it’s, yes, dull. Then one day, a filing cabinet sticks, and her busy brain notices the smallest clue, one that will have her and Severus Snape struggling to uncover a conspiracy that, if true, will tarnish the Wizarding world’s golden post-war view of itself forever.
Well-done mystery set post-Deathly Hallows. I like the central mystery at the heart of the premise--I think because it exists in my mind in canon. I liked how all the pieces fit in this one. I liked the take on the characters and even some meta elements as well as original takes on magic. Stylistically clean, strong imagery, witty lines.

16) wolf_moonshadow, Felis Familiaris (PG) 43,524 words, General, Adventure, Fluff
Summary: As the New Year approaches during Hermione Granger's second year at Hogwarts, she knows she has problems: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, there is a monster on the loose, people are getting petrified, and she's covered in fur and has a tail. Unbeknownst to her, though, an even greater threat looms.
Pure Gen, which I think means it's been overlooked and had less squee than it deserves. A story that reminds me of a good children's or YA fantasy novel, in the spirit of the first three Harry Pottery books, except with a focus on Hermione and Professor Snape. I love the whimsy and imagination in this story.

17) wonderfulwrites, Foreign Country (NC-17) 12,888 words, Drama, Angst, PWP, LMSSHG
Summary: Five times Hermione Granger had a threesome with Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy, and one time she didn’t.
Warnings: Threesome, M/M Slash, Breathplay, Explicit Sex
I think this was arguably the most impressive fic of the Exchange, not simply for the quality of the writing but because this is the rare fic that can make you think and change paradigms. This is the one LMSSHG I've ever read where I didn't have to suspend my disbelief in this threesome; each character and their interactions ring true to me. Heartrending, disturbing and moving. Oh, and HaWt SeXXors if that's a draw...

18) missmiah, The Unlikely Matchmakers (PG-13) 9,061 words, Romance, Fluff, Humor
Summary: All Ron and Harry want is for Hermione to be happy. Even if that means Snape.
The Harry and Ron in this story felt spot on to me, and were fun to read. What might have in another author's hands turned too sentimental and soppy was leavened by delightful humor.

19) redorchids, Duality (NC-17) 26,199 words, Angst, Drama
Summary: Severus Snape is alive, twenty years younger than when he nearly died and without any memory of who he is. Hermione Weasley promises to take care of him and has to face the consequences of a new influence in a circle of relationships where there are two sides to every story and dual layers to every tale.
Warning: Adultery, Slash
Not the usual kind of shipper's tale. Don't expect fluffy romance here. The Ginny here in particular broke my heart. The story is unusual among SSHG fics for being respectful to and nuanced with Ron's character and his relationship to Hermione and the fic is unusually balanced and honest about both their flaws. In that respect and its take on Snape's character and his relationship to Hermione and Harry the story is unique in the ship. Thoughtful, insightful, heartrending.

20) scatteredlogic, Even Stopper Death (PG-13) 12,884 words, Drama, Friendship
Summary: As a child, Hermione had been fascinated with Severus Snape's first year speech, but was it possible that he actually managed to stopper death?
The story held my interest from the beginning with its spot-on depiction of first year Hermione to the close with a Hermione and Severus that rang very true to themselves. (Particularly Hermione's reaction to Snape bringing up a guilty conscience over his "death.")

Art Recs

There were really some gorgeous art works offered up on the Exchange. I’m going to limit myself to pointing out my three favorites. In the order they were posted:

1) _odella_, Shelter from the Cold (G)
Description: On a cold winter’s day…
Romantic, lush, gorgeous and skillfully rendered with an unmistakable style.

2) camillo1978, Ron Weasley's Worst Nightmare (PG)
Description: 1950's monster movie poster pastiche.
This is my favorite artwork of the Exchange. Of all the SSHG Artwork I've seen, this is the one that most tempts me to blow it up, print it out, get it framed and hang it on the wall. I love the sense of whimsy and sense of period style.

3) foxestacado, Severus and Hermione, A Portrait (G)
Description: A Snape/Hermione wedding portrait.
Lovely portrait of our pair. I can just seen this oil painting hanging over a mantle.

For all this wealth of SSHG we have to thank mugglegirl0908 who started the exchange, shiv5468 and ginny_weasley31 and scatteredlogic for doing such great jobs organizing and maintaining it and mollyssister for helping them out. All are to be commended for their hard work, as are all the participants who produced some wonderful stories out of challenging prompts.

fic recs, exchangerecs, ss/hg

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