May 29, 2004 00:50
-I'm not responsible for whether or not other people decide to feel sorry for me based on certain events which I post about here.
-Life can suck at any age. I know an 11 year old boy who was abused his whole life, hit by a car recently, in a coma for over a month, just came out of the coma, and now has the mentality of a 3 year old. I know my life isn't the worst- far from it, actually. But it's just plain ignorant to tell someone that their life can't suck because they're young, because some of the most unfortunate people I know are children and young teens.
-I saw something that others may not have seen because it is no longer there, but it was there, believe it or not, I don't make shit up.
-I refer to people as he or she. I think the last time I counted hes there were about 8 or 9 of them, so when I say he lied to me or he hurt me it could be any of those 9 hes. People know now that some recent hes were all one guy- it's not my fault that they figured that all. In fact, they could be wrong, depending on what they think refers to that he. Who knows? I don't know what they're attributing to this person, but they may or may not be right, and it's stupid to say that I'm making it obvious when I talk about so many people in this vague manner.
-If you think I'm overdramatic, if you think I lie, if you think that the word "he" directly implies a certain person and therefore I'm a bad person for using it, if you think I have the perfect life and don't have a right to be unhappy, or if I am unhappy I don't have a right to let anyone know about it, don't read this anymore. It clearly isn't your cup of tea, so don't waste your time. And don't bother commenting with your petty insults- most of you can't now anyway, and if I continue to get comments from people who only know half the story or insist on twisting everything I say or just flat out don't believe me about certain facts, I'll just delete them. I was very close to a heart attack about two weeks ago, laugh if you want, but you can ask my sister who was the only one home and took care of me until I was better. I'm not going to have a heart attack because people are insensitive and ignorant. I'm not going to let petty high school gossipers ruin my life.
-It's funny, everyone else who has an LJ posts abuot basically the same stuff I post about- guys they like, guys who hurt them, problems with friends, school, teachers, etc. But for every 5 posts of mine I get at least 5 negative responses from people telling me to stop being so dramatic and stop trying to evoke sympathy. So I guess the next tiem you post about liking that boy who doesn't like you back, I should tell you to stop trying to make me feel sorry for you? I guess I should harrass you every time you complain because one or both of your parents is/are bothering you?
Good night, good night, good night.
Made three new enemies tonight.
Oops, maybe I shouldn't say that, I don't want to be accused of trying to get people to pity me for being hated.
Oh boo hoo, people hate me.
So what?
People hate everyone.
No matter how great you may think you are, whoever you are, there is at least one person in the world who hates you, or at least dislikes you a lot to be really maen to you when you don't deserve it.
It happens.
And I'm posting about it.
So shoot me, why don't you.
Or if you don't like what you're reading...