Aug 29, 2003 08:34
Agh! My kitties are so hopped up on crack today! I'm afraid of what the house will look like when I get home from work later tonight!!
Well, yesterday was payday. Yippie.
Oh! And I went to Cost Plus Imports last night, and there is a 4.5lb bag of salt water taffy that usually sells for $7.99, but it was on sale for $1.99....and you bet your sweet ass I bought one! I almost bought two....but honestly, that would be too much, even for me! So I'll be hauling around a huge ass bag of candy at work, and sharing it will everyone!
No a whole lot else is going on. Just been working and chillin'. I went to the Supercenter Wal Mart in Shelton 2 days ago....that was fun. It was kinda a long drive though.
I work today. And, I should probably get off my lazy ass and go get ready to go. Agh, but I don't feel like it.
....holy crap!! Fluffy is like, hardcore tripping out!
Okay, that is all for now.