Jul 18, 2010 08:38

told myself I wouldn't get on till --well later today actually but here I am

It's hilarious given the fact that I've somehow managed to have internet nearly every single day of this trip (and been busy so I couldn't be on that much) and yet now ...I have time and the internet is absolutely horrible. And it's at 4 bars, when the others have been at 2. -___-;;

Erm but yes, anyway--we would have been going home today, except for the fact that it's a 400 mile drive (I thought dad said 4 hour) which = 7 hours. And it's nice today and we're about to go to Caroways *a theme park here on the border of South and North Carolina* so --I guess it's a good thing dad held our rooms for an extra day.

It all depends on how long we take to ride rides, considering sis only wanted to go on one or two. But hey--I can take photos 8D


Reminds me.

I held a crabby crab or two, or three Friday night 8D *was--fangirling really really hard--over a crab*

I feel like such a nerd, but I dun care~ I dun, I dun~ You'll get pictures when we get home thanks to me forgetting to bring the 'camera-to-computer' USB Cord attachment thingie.

Now we're basically waiting for sis and mom to eat--and for it to be 10 o'clock already so we can go and walk over to the park. We can see the park from our hotel window and they're currently doing test runs to make sure teh roller-coaster's are good for the day.

I'm almost kinda sorta wishing I had eaten something, but I ate too much last night so I dun think that'd be a good idea;;

Also I've successfully been busy enough (or sis bratty enough) to not work on...anything. At all. Except for an RP with Sam which is mostly through texting and email.

I also have a new...what's it called? Dreamwidth? Yeah Dreamwidth --account. not quite sure what to do with it right now, but I may be testing out the length requirements on there for journal entries. I really feel like writing again and it's sad that I can't write anything longer than like 10 pages without seriously trying. I looked at Pressure Chapter 33 --and its 18 pages and --yeah that's both a demotivator and a motivator. xP

Okay yeah I'll be shutting up now. Sis and mom just got back from eating breakfast.

Over and out *salutes*

vacation, summer!, random, real life, blah, writer's block

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