4:01-5:00 PM: QUICK! Flash-fic. Write something amazing in thirty minutes. Sex is not optional.

Feb 01, 2011 17:00

"Well that wasn't what I was expecting." Victory snorted as she slid her sword back into its sheath, "I mean seriously? What do these little kiddies think they're up against now a days?" She kicked the dead body in front of her, hearing the metal of the armor 'chink!' under her boots, "You can't run in this. Think quick--you have to or else you're as good as dead."

"Thinking quickly has nothing to do with what outer armor you choose to where." Victory cocked her head to the side and frowned, eying her, for lack of a better word, companion.

"Don't get cocky with me, dumbass."

"My name isn't dumbass."

"Fine then, Reed," She could swear on her mothers grave that he was smiling --even though she couldn't see his face (did he even have one?) under that cloak of his, "Can't take a bit of humor can ya?" She kicked the body again and turned completely around, "Who's side you on anyway?'

"The side that won't get me killed."

"'Kay then," Victory frowned down at her nails, "Now tell me why you're poking fun at me?"

"I'm not--" She glared, Reed sighed, "Sorry I'll attempt to refrain myself."

"Good boy. Now." Victory smirked with twice as much frevor as before and pointed straight out towards the misty horizon, "Onto Bethlehem. Where the poor go to get drunk, and the rich to get even drunker!" She didn't bother to wait for Reed, or even to notice that maybe she should have been more on guard than she had been.

But then Reed wasn't a traitor. He was simply slow, somewhat sarcastic (on a good day), and quite fond of puff pastry with cream cheese inside. Nothing quite said 'evil backstabbing villain' than one who liked sweets, right?


So he fell into step easily behind Victory and hoped she wouldn't notice him checking out her backside. He was looking at her sword. Really.

Well now that just sounded bad.

((Technically gave myself only 20 minutes for this, cuz I realized what time it was--and HAH I DIDN'T MENTION SEX--WOOO...and I'll write a longer description here in a sec xD just wanted to post this on time))

drabble, comment please!, writing, random, meme

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