Maybe this might not work out.

Jul 22, 2007 12:45

After much deliberation, I finally bought a new laptop. I'd been playing around with the idea since, at least, December due to my current laptop's issues with overheating, freezing, and working in slow motion. Even though I originally wanted a Mac and didn't want to deal with Vista, I chose to stick with one of my tried and true brands, Sony. My desktop at home is a Vaio, and luckily for me, Sony just came out with a new line of Vaio notebooks.

So, concluding all of my research, I purchased the Sony Vaio VGN-CR120E/W, which is sold out or back ordered just about everywhere. I somehow found an Office Depot out here who carried it. And, so far, I'm neither put off or thrilled with Vista, so I don't see what the big uproar is about. Then again, I haven't had much of a chance to play around with it yet, so I could change my opinion awfully fast.

For the last couple of weeks, and really since we met, Rich and I have either gotten together face-to-face, talked online, or spoken on the phone everyday. We're not dating, but we've become pretty good friends. I still think he's really shy and more quiet than I'm used to, but we do have a lot in common, which is why we've been spending so much time together. That, and we both get bored easily and would rather have company with us than be alone. Anyway, it seems that he's been talking about me with his friends and they may be getting the wrong impression about our relationship, or lack thereof. I just don't want it to start going to Rich's head and ultimately leading me to breaking his heart.

Though I love all of my current LJ friends, I realized while looking at my list of "Friends" that I really only have a few. It seems that most of my friends' list is actually icon or fanatic-related journals. I kind of miss reading about the lives of others, and I find great enjoyment in the ones I do have the opportunity to read. I guess what I'm hinting at is that if any of you who are reading this know of anyone who has a journal that you'd think I'd like reading, give me the link. I also know that many of you read my journal and don't have one yourself, so I encourage you to start one so that I can be just as nosy in your life as you are in mine ;)

vaio, computer, dating, friends, vista, laptop, rich, lj, sony

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