Pick a line of lyrics from the following list, or if none suit your fancy, provide a line of lyrics, and give me a character or a pairing and I will write a drabble for you.
Shamelessly nicked from
1. 'And with two suns spinning/At two different speeds/Was born a hot whit diamond/Burning through the rainbow'
2. 'It's cold outside/But between us it's worse in here'
3. 'Next time you point a finger/I might have to bend it back or break it off/Next time you point a finger/I'll point you to the mirror'
4. 'Get to the meaner things already/With buried secrets the ground is heavy'
5. 'Leave me out with the waste/This is not what I do/It's the wrong kind of time/To be thinking of you'
6. 'Your lipstick stains/On the front lobe of my left side brains/I knew I would forget you/So I went and let you blow my mind'
7. 'I'll read your future/But It's written in the past/Take a good look/Might be your last'
8. 'You're no immortal/I won't let them deify you/They view you as the new messiah'
9. 'You say the honeymoon's over/I don't wanna push/But what about us?'
10. 'It's gonna be love/It's gonna be great/It's gonna be more than I can take'
11. 'Since we're feeling so anesthetized in our comfort zones/Reminds me of the second time that I followed you home'
12. 'Burn down my home/My memories hardened into brightest chrome/Good times escape/While every mistake seems to be caught on tape'
13. 'It's plain to see/That baby you're beautiful/And there's nothing wrong with you/It's me/I'm a freak/But thanks for loving me/Cos you're doing it perfectly'
14. 'I'll sing it one last time for you/Then we really have to go/You've been the only thing that's right/In all I've done'
15. 'You fall to your knees/Beg and you plead/Can I be someone else/For all the times I hate myself?'
(Only twelve for now since I need to bounce for a while XD)
Fixed :) Fire away lovelies