A Sea of Faces

Oct 16, 2005 11:52

Something I wrote the other day.... this is what happens when I reflect too much heh.

There are so many people who pass through our lives. So many that we can't remember all their names or all their faces. We only remember a small blip of what it was to be with them. There's that one person whom you always took for granted, and now that its too late to take it back, you appreciate them. The one who constantly annoyed you, but you don't know what you would do without the memories of them. There's those people who always used to make you cry, now they're the only ones that can make you smile or sometimes even laugh. The ones that made you smile, they've lost their effect, now they are the listeners. There's those you could talk to for hours on end, now the conversations consist of several awkward silences, umm's and hmm's.. There's the one person who knows all the bitter and ugly secrets about you, who no matter what happens, you're addicted to them and their presence. Whether its for who they are or the secrets they hold is an entirely different story. They are your soul mates, the ones who never stop loving you even though they do know everything about you. They're your cherished ones.
There's those people whose name you'll never learn, whose face you'll never forget, and whose story touches your heart so deeply. Their story, you know it like the back of your hand. You may or may not relate to it, but you've memorized every word, every feeling, every crack in their voice. The scene unfolds in your head every time you think of it as if it all happened to you yesterday.
All those stories, those faces, and feelings, they all teach us a lesson. And there are so many lessons to learn and someday, maybe even today, to teach to someone else. The older generation tells their stories to a new generation, a new heart, a new life... and the cycle repeats itself. A sea of faces, a well of names, an ocean of feelings, there's no way you can forget those feelings, even if you do forget the names or the place, and possibly even the face. There's so much your heart won't let you forget and its those feelings you've felt because of that sea of faces.
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