Maroon 5 Concert!!!

Jul 25, 2004 00:11

Oh, my GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But in a good way.

Sometime after 2 p.m., Tina, Hanna, Kelly, and I headed off to "this store near Willowbrook" to get the boys (Maroon 5) some pins (they have anti-war and anti-Bush pins, and not a lot of other places do). While we were driving, my boyfriend called me, but I had to hang up with him because I couldn't hear what he was saying because we were all too busy screaming at Tina to not kill us. I swear, I thought we were going to die about 30 times at that point. Anyway, "this store" turned out to be Cindie's. Yeah, the sex shop. o.O So while the three others looked at all the pins, I wandered around the shop, laughing at all the stuff they had. Some of it's just gross, some of it's pure comedy. But I was like, "d00d, I'm SO going to RHPS!!!" I've never dressed up like a whore before.

Anyway, we stopped at a dollar store and bought more gifts for the guys. A do-rag, book on British lesbians in the 17th century, toy guitar, a button that said, "Finally Appreciated", bubbles, silly string, a ribbon that said "I can dress myself!" for Mickey, one that said, "I like myself" for James, one that read, "Singing Superstar" for Adam, and one with "I'm special" for Jesse. Oh yeah... and these things called "Love cuffs" that were a fuzzy pink :) lol

Got to the venue, after more than 1,000,000 near-accident experiences, lol. We were quite early, and it was hot, so we went in the Tinsletown movie theatre's arcade and played some DDR. VERY hard to play in flip-flops. I failed. Stoopid shoes kept coming off.

I had to carry the big bag with the presents to the venue. There, we waited for a dude called Sean (you could SO tell he was from Southern California, lol! Totally had the Californian way of talking, d00d!) to let us through the gates. At that point, we left Hanna and Kelly, as they were not special enough to have a lanyard with a meet-n-greet pass like Tina and I did! lol, KIDDING!!! I felt important as I walked through the gates, while most everyone else had to stay outside until 5 when they really opened. Sean led our little group to a place, where Ryan, Mickey, Adam, and Jesse were (Ryan's still out because of his arm. Sucks). I was utterly AMAZED that the guys were SO DOWN TO EARTH! Very approachable. And tall and skinny too. So after syaing hello to the boys, Tina and I gave Jesse the present bag. He and Adam immediately fought over the lesbian book. Adam won by hugging it to his chest and walking away. Then the two guys saw the silly string, and then when James wasn't looking, ATTACKED HIM!!! SO FUNNY! Then they all the guys took turns trying to throw the ball of silly string in the trashcan. None made it. James opened the love cuffs, and said, "Hey, all right! These are for later on tonight!" He then put one cuff on him, turned to me and cuffed me with the other one, saying, "Let's try these out!"

*blink blink*

He then asked,, "Wait, these have keys, right?" lol. Actually, they had little latches on them.

Then it was picture time. I wanted to stand by Jesse, but he was in the middle :( So for the picture, Tina and James were cuffed together, and Adam and I were hugging ('twas Adam cause he was on the end).

James came up to Tina and me and asked questions like, "So, where are y'all from?" Tina was too busy drooling at him and practicing self-control, and my answers were very short, since I can't carry on a conversation *le sigh*. James is awesome. And Jesse.

So anyway, after the meet-n-greet, Tina and I got a Strawberry Banana Chill (like the Lemon Chill things). We also bought a poster, and tried on sunglasses and hats. I liked the hat stand. Lots of cute stuff :)

DJ Logic came on as an opening act. Not too bad at all. There was only one song transition that didn't really flow well.

Maroon 5 came on. Pure sex. Unbelievable!!! I took SOOOOOOOO many pictures! I'll post them later on. I also took some video clips with my camera. I loff that thing :) James's guitar solo in "The Sun" was incredible. I got a lot of good pictures of Mickey, since he was the closest. I had a great view of Jesse, but he was the farthest away and sadly, I didn't get too many decent pictures. Same with James.

The girl in front of me kept moving her head in the way of the camera JUST as I would press the button... started really to annoy me.

I understand why M5 didn't play "Highway to Hell" (Ryan sings it, and he wasn't there), but they should have covered Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" and played "Secret" That would have OWNED!

John Mayer was next. Actually, I'm surprised at his performance. I'm gonna have to go download some songs of his; he was THAT good. I enjoyed his songs. But they were all like, make-out or love songs or whatever. All the couples were kissing. There was this one couple diagonal from me, who made out THE WHOLE FREAKING TIME JOHN MAYER WAS ON THE STAGE!!! Actually, not the whole time, because they left early. I don't think they made it to their car, lol. But they were really cute, once I got over my initial, "OMG, they need to stop that!!!" It ended up making me go, "Awwwwwww... :) "

There was this black woman in front of me, who was quite funny to watch because she was so animated. Looked like she should have been singing in a black church choir, rather than be at a concert :) Even her husband was laughing at her. I didn't get very many pictures of John at all, because people kept throwing their hands in the air and I RARELY got a good shot. But it was quite fun. He had a really long set :)

Got home around 11:40.

Tomorrow I'm going to see Napoleon Dynamite with Kelly, Lerin, Tina, Hanna, Chase, and quite possibly many others, sometime in the late afteroon. I have no clue what the movie's about.

That's about it. I'm quite tired, and my parents aren't letting me sleep in and skip church in the morning. Good night to all!!!

This entry isn't friends-only, because in that book, Hanna/Kelly/me wrote down stuff to the guys, and one of the thigns happend to be our LJ accounts. And if by some bazaar (sp?) change one of the guys DOES decide to go check them out, I just wanted them to read about HOW INCREDIBLY AWESOME their set was!!! though it would have been better had it been longer, lol :)

One last thing: John Mayer CRIED during a song! It wasn't just a lot of sweat, it was a few TEARS that came out of his eyes! That amazed me because he really got into his songs. (after a while, all sounded somewhat the same because they're all mellow). And get this: He wore a PINK shirt!!! I <3 pink on guys!!!
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