Jul 17, 2010 00:52

First of all:


and I kind of think that only Eric understands why. LMFAOOO mostly because the mother got bored and the sibling had panic attacks so they LEFT. I didn't really expect the mother to like it, anyway; she prefers to watch fiddly girly chick flicks and things like that, but I really think the sibling would've enjoyed it!! 3: well, I mean, idk, because... it was REALLY TRIPPY AND AMAZING and I kind of felt like that movie and I were on the exact same ~~frequency,~~ if you know what I mean~!! ;D And sometimes the sibling doesn't appreciate things that are on my FREQUENCY. ...but I knew Eric would like it. I told him so, after the mother and sibling had left. He would've gone with her, but she didn't want him to, because she was panicking. LMFAO so anyway.

He leaned over to me and whispered, "...How are ~~YOU~~ doing?" ...and srsly, I mean I was either grinning like a LOON because of how MAGICAL and AMAZING it all was, or just in complete AWE. THE WHOLE DAMN TIME. I took absolutely everything about that movie in and I was just dazzled from the START. The world it created just made so much "sense" to me. It was confusing at first, and then it was dizzying, and then it was just kind of... ...I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN IT, NEVER MIND. ...but I told him it was one of the most amazing movies I had EVER SEEN EVER, and he said "I KNOW. I'm definitely getting this on DVD." and I told him that I KNEW he'd understand it, even if no one else did, and he laughed and he told me he knew ~~I~~ would too and it was just

... oh negfsknfsdsaskjfkdl


holy hell, okay. ... i. ... i don't know. all that stuff about ideas. and inspiration. and i just.




...okay sorry sometimes KEYBOARD MASHING is the only option. But at least one of you people on my friends list has to see it. D8 Because it's... oh wow. fJFKskfjsfl ugh some movies just AMAZE ME and then I cannot shut up about them for a little while and then I drag everyone I know to see them with me. 8D It's odd, because I really don't have the attention span for movies SO MUCH of the time, but then a movie will just STOP ME. I ~~HAVE~~ to sit and watch it. And even if I can only focus on even my favourite movies once in awhile, they are just... so remarkable. I mean, if I say a movie is my FAVOURITE, it is because it has REALLY made an impact on me, or it is just HILARIOUS (and it's still made an impact on me LMSFKFSLFL). It's one of those movies that I DO want to see again. and it ... and it ...

...OKAY, I'M A DREAM ~~FANATIC,~~ TOO. I'll admit that RIGHT OUT!! When I was about thirteen years old, I started keeping a dream journal, and unfortunately... I lost track of it, but I started another one up when I was sixteen, and I've been writing faithfully in it EVER SINCE. LMFAO. The thing is... sleep is my absolute worst enemy!! I despise sleep so much, and ALL of you know this about me. I do absolutely everything I CAN to avoid it, and I rant on and on about how pointless it is. ...but dreams... oh, I love them. Even the nightmares that I am so prone to having are better than NO DREAMS at all. I feel like DREAMS make up for the pointless, confusifying thing that is sleep~! Sometimes, I'll attempt to analyze them, other times I'll just let them be, but EITHER WAY they are something I've always found ~~FASCINATING.~~ it's not just ~~my~~ dreams, either. Someone compared hearing about other people's dreams to looking through someone else's photos--you don't really CARE about anything if you're not in them. I can't remember if I heard it or read it or what, but I exclaimed, "That IS COMPLETE MALARKY BANANAS!!!"

I LOVE to hear about everyone's dreams. 8'D Gateways to other worlds, unlocking subconscious desires and fears and sorrows, dreams are just... ujgksdlsfsk. AMAZING!! So obviously, since I ~~love~~ dreams so much, I understood SO MUCH about the movie. And it wasn't even... just dreams, it was IDEAS. Inspiration. Sparks. How an idea can become planted in a brain and grow until a person is entirely consumed, until the person becomes a vessel for that idea, until that itch in the brain just won't LEAVE. It was about the dangers of placing too much faith your "reality," no matter what that "reality" might BE. I'm telling you, that movie understood me just as much as I understood it AND I JUST. ... WOW.

I mean, my ONLY critique was that a lot of the characters weren't as fleshed out as they should've been, and they acted as CATALYSTS most of the time. There wasn't really... a lot of backstory. Well, the main character had a backstory, but no one else really did, and I thought that since it was a movie about the subconscious and the human mind and psyche, they could've delved into everyone else's backgrounds a LITTLE more than they did. ...but it's almost fitting, I think, that they were vessels for this MOVIE'S ideas, LMFAO. And anyway, the actual movie itself was SO AMAZING, the concept itself was SO AMAZING, it was just so damn beautiful that... it didn't really detract from it very much. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT. BUT IT'S STILL THE BEST ~~SRS~~ MOVIE I'VE SEEN ALL YEAR. And they crammed a LOT of SUPERNESS into a movie that lasted almost three hours. LMFAOOOO. so BAM.

p.s., I need the soundtrack. 3:

...okay okay, but. I'm. I'm going to quit rambling about it now, I swear. D8 I just LOVE IT SO MUCH that it makes me want to scream with joy. LMFAOOOOOO!!!!

All that aside, though? I still haven't posted the song(s) for day six of my music meme~!! ;D So HERE.

Day 6 -- A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere~!

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"Black Math" by the White Stripes~!! 8D I think it is... painfully obvious that this song reminds me of school, LMFAO. MY school experiences were just as frantic, fast-paced and angry as this song is, and math has ALWAYS been my worst subject. D8 I even consider this to be one of my theme songs, and I clicked with it as SOON as I heard it. ...which happens with a lot of the songs I'm shoving in your face with the help of this meme, in case you haven't noticed. ;'3 But really, I just loved "Elephant" from the minute I heard all the songs on it, so GEE WILLICKERS. This song is LOUD and ANGRY and FAST-PACED, yes, but what matters ~~here~~ are the lyrics and the cynicism. This sums up my scholastic experiences from sixth grade ONWARD, so. LMFAOOOO YES. I've just been on a White Stripes kick for the last few months, too, so I'm a little BIASED. ;D but shshshhshshhh. They are DESERVING of my obsessive, fanboyish love.


Well, don't you think that I'm bound to react, now?
Well, my fingers definitely turning to black, now.
Yeah, maybe I'll put my love on ice
and teach myself, maybe that'll be nice, yeah~...

My books are sittin' at the top of the stack, now!
Well, the longer words are really breakin' my back, now.
Yeah, maybe I'll learn to understand,
drawin' a square with a pencil in hand, yeah~...

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

Mathematically turnin' the page,
unequivocally showin' my age,
and I'm practically center-stage,
undeniably earning your wage.
Well, maybe I'll put my love on ice,
and teach myself, maybe that'll be nice, yeah~...

Listen, master, can you answer a question?
Is it the FINGERS or the BRAINS that you're teachin' a lesson?
Oh, I can't tell you how proud I am,
writin' down things that I don't understand!
Well, maybe I'll put my love on ice,
and teach myself, maybe that'll be nice, yeah~...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

...LMFAOOOO OBVIOUSLY SCHOOL WAS ALWAYS FULL OF HAPPY FUNTIMEZ. *AHEM* ...but, on a lighter note, I have also gathered two songs that remind me of "fictional" places~! 8D Because I didn't want this prompt to be wasted on the horror that was school. ugh.

THIS song reminds me of Superjail:

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...;D Seriously, did you think I'd post something obvious like "Rubber Bullets?" Okay, so I... I LOVE "Rubber Bullets," and it probably will show up on this meme at SOME point, but I'm not that ~~predictable,~~ all right? And some of you could've predicted this, too, probably, but oh WELL. 3< Um, it was obvious to me at least that if I had to pick a song other than "Rubber Bullets" to describe Superjail, it would not be "I'm Comin' Home." 8D And it WOULD be "No Spill Blood" by Oingo Boingo. ...granted, the whole "no spill blood" thing? is horribly REVERSED. But the lyrics fit it all so well anyway. 3: ...what's funny is, I've loved this song ever since I discovered it when I was thirteen, and I used to sing it obsessively ALL THE TIME and annoy the sibling. *SKIPS* But Oingo Boingo is SPECTACULAR, so that's not really surprising.


What is the LAW?
What is the LAW?

Animals came from miles around,
so tired of WALKING so close to the ground.
They needed a change, that's what they said!
Life is better walkin' on two legs,
but they were in for a big SURPRISE,
'cuz they didn't know the LAW.

"What is the law?"
No spill blood~... ...WHAT is the LAW?! ;D
"NO SPILL BLOOD. ...Who makes the rules?"
Someone else~... ...WHO makes the RULES?! 8D

Rules are written in the stone:
break the rules, and you get NO BONES.
All you get is ridicule, laughter,
and a trip to the House of PAIN.

"Who makes the rules?"
Someone else~... ...WHO makes the RULES?! 8D
"SOMEONE ELSE. ...What is the law?"
No spill blood~... ...WHAT is the LAW?! ;D

We walk on TWO legs, not on four.
To walk on FOUR legs BREAKS the law~!
What HAPPENS when we break the LAW?
What HAPPENS when the RULES aren't fair?
We all know where we go from there:
to the House of PAIN~!!
To the House of PAIN.
To the House of ~~PAIN~~!!!

"What is the law?"
What is the LAW? ;D
"Who makes the rules?"
Who makes the RULES?! 8'D

We walk on TWO legs, not on four.
To walk on FOUR legs BREAKS the law~!
What HAPPENS when we break the LAW?
What HAPPENS when the RULES aren't fair?
We all know where we go from there:
to the House of ~~PAIN~~!!
To the House of PAIN,
to the House of PAIN~!!
To the House of PAIN,
to the House of PAIN~!!
To the house of PAIN~!!


...:'3 Best '80's band. ~~EVER.~~ *sighs*

Okay, but I also have a song that reminds me of Gotham~!! WOW I AM SUCH A DWEEB.

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"Superhero" by Johnny Hollow~! :3 This song has always, always reminded me of Gotham, LMFAO. Because I have ALWAYS, ALWAYS been a dweeb. I found it two years ago, and I got SO ADDICTED to it that I literally played IT and nothing else for... an entire week, probably. I wrote a PARODY of it that only LenaBee would really get, LMFAOOOO. It's just one of my ~~favourite~~ songs ever, and actually? This is one of my theme songs, too. ;3 Because I not only see Gotham in this way, I see... THIS WORLD in this way. I've known ever since I was a little kid that the world needed a superhero to save it. I'm an optimistic whatsit, but I KNOW this world could use some changes, and I've ALWAYS believed that I could help make that happen, in some way (and really we ALL could~! Every little bit counts, you guys <3). The details have always been a little fuzzy or outlandish, depending on the period of my life, but... 8D There's a superhero inside of my soul. ...and a supervillain, actually. ;D Gee WILLICKERS!! UH, ANYWAY, TL;DR: THIS SONG IS THE BEST EVER.


Do you want to SAVE YOUR SOUL,
take back all the things that they STOLE?
We won't resurrect the crusade, now,
'cuz it looks like we've been betrayed.

Will someone come save us from
this storyline of mass destruction?
Will they stay when they see
what we have done just to be...

Waiting, we're waiting...
Waiting, we're waiting for a superhero~...
Waiting, we're waiting for a superhero intervention.
Waiting, we're waiting for a superhero intervention.

The boys in charge celebrate
their cunning game of search and bait,
looking down at the world they've created:
land of the lost and sedated.

Will someone come save us from
this storyline of mass destruction?
Will they stay when they see
what we have done just to be...

Waiting, we're waiting for a superhero intervention.
We're waiting for a superhero intervention.
Waiting, we're waiting for a superhero intervention.
Waiting, we're waiting for a superhero intervention.

I am waiting for a superhero~...
Will someone save us from this storyline?
(Waiting for a superhero intervention~!)
I'm just standing here, waiting for a sign...
(Waiting, we're waiting for a superhero intervention.)
Will someone come save us from this storyline?
(Waiting, we're waiting for a superhero intervention.)
I'm just standing here, waiting for a sign.
(Waiting, we're waiting for a superhero~...)

...and you're so LUCKY, because it's actually the NEXT DAY, NOW!! *GASP* So you get TWO PROMPTS IN ONE POST and a BUCKETLOAD OF SONGS OH ~~HOORAY~~!!! *HOPS IN THE AIR*

Day 7 -- A Song That Reminds You of a Certain Event~! took me FOREVER to think of something for this prompt, no lie.

...and then I remembered that the sibling's birthamaday party is today, and the mother's birthamaday is coming up. AND SO IS CARATHING'S. And I got this kind of HUGE GRIN on my face. And the people around me exchanged looks that said: "Uh-oh." And I said, "THAT'S IT!!!" and everyone went, "...oh, here it GOES." So, without further ado, I present to you~...

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..."Six Feet Under" by No Doubt~! ;D My birthamaday song. Everyone in the world who knows me should know this song, because I sing it on EVERYONE'S BIRTHDAY. Without fail. I change the lyrics if it's needed, of course, replacing "my" and "I" with "your" and "you," but I ALWAYS sing it. :3 I've done that... oh, gosh, I don't even know how long it's been since I started it. I was probably fourteen or fifteen, somewhere around there. Thankfully, most people can appreciate the HUMOR behind this song and laugh and say "WELL GEE, THANKS." me, it is like 424924942 times more festive than the Happy Birthday song, so how about that. 3< And yes, I have even dared to sing it on my OWN birthday, before. LMFAO. It's just so fun and upbeat and morbid, oh hooray~!


In the morning I wake up,
and in the night I sleep.
Since the day that I was born,
repeat, repeat, repeat.

Brought to this life, born to this life,
where was I before?
Nonexistent, not at all?
Will I ever KNOW?

Todaaaaay is my birthday,
and I get one every year,
and somedaaaaay~!
...hard to believe,
but I'll be buried SIX FEET UNDERGROUND~!!!

Subconsciously motivated, natural instinct,
and alter nature for the pleasure, orthocycline.
A flirt with conception, slow the cycle:
will the baby grow?
Social tradition interference,
control, control, control~!

Todaaaaay is my birthday,
and I get one every year,
and somedaaaaaay~!
...hard to believe,
but I'll be buried SIX FEET UNDERGROUND~!!
Well, I'll be dead and gone, no longer AROOOOOUND~!!

all the unknown CHEMICALS control the CYCLE.
The successive generations from dust to dust:
burying my grandma, then give birth to my own daughter~!

Todaaaaay is my birthday,
and I get one every year,
and somedaaaaay~!
...hard to believe,
but I'll be buried SIX FEET UNDERGROUND~!!

Todaaaay is my birthday,
and I get one every year,
and somedaaaay~!
...hard to believe,
but I'll be buried SIX FEET UNDERGROUND,
and I'll be dead and gone, no longer AROOOOUND~!!
I'll be buried six feet UNDERGROOOOOUND~...

I hope that song stays with all of you for the rest of your LIVES. <3

...but I'm going now.




"Electric-types are creative, impulsive dreamers, always looking to experience new things and meet new people. They can be somewhat naïve and hyperactive, but are often more intelligent than they act."

I've always liked the Electric types the best~!!! 8'D *SIGHS*


a little night muuuuuusic, yay~!, inception aka the best movie ever, 30 day music meme, places and events oh my~!

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