May 08, 2010 03:08

So I am REVIVING this journal just to take it. ;D

For every letter of the alphabet, name a band and recommend one song from them. Post a link to the song so your friends can listen! Everyone who looks at this meme has to do it!

A is for the Avalanches~!
"Frontier Psychiatrist" by the Avalanches~! (That boy needs ~~THERAPY.~~ *GROOVES*)


A is for Adam Ant~!
"Friend or Foe" by Adam Ant~! (...I'm just really into this song lately, okay. D8)


A is for Alanis Morissette~!
"Precious Illusions" by Alanis Morissette~! (...This is my ULTIMATE THEME SONG, SO. ~~REALLY.~~ LMFAOOO. <333)

B is for Black Moth Super Rainbow~!
"When the Sun Grows on Your Tongue" by Black Moth Super Rainbow~!


B is for the Beatles~!
"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by the Beatles~! (...I COULDN'T CHOOSE BETWEEN THESE TWO EITHER SHH. "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" changed my outlook on ~~writing~~ and ~~music,~~ and "When the Sun Grows on Your Tongue" is SO FUN. ...I almost typed "so purple," so I think it's THAT, too. LMFAO.)


B is for Boards of Canada~!
"Roygbiv" by Boards of Canada~! (8D The song that got me into them, somewhat unsurprisingly. ;3 It's just so HAPPY and it makes me think of CHILDHOOD. Listening to this song used to be a MORNING RITUAL for me, LMFAOOO.)

C is for Colugo~!
"Mister Hamburger Spastic" by Colugo~! (After thinking it over, I have changed the song. 8D I... I have a really difficult time choosing my ~~favourite Colugo song~~ [mainly because I don't have one and I love them ALL~!!], so I decided to go with the first song I'd ever heard. :3 HOORAY. You can listen to other Colugo songs on there, too, btw. ;D)


C is for Coldplay~!
"Clocks" by Coldplay~! (...Because this song had SUCH AN IMPACT ON ME, WHEN I WAS YOUNGER. And kind of still continues to have an impact on me. ;D And I feel bad for... forgetting to include it. GOODNESS.)

D is for the Dresden Dolls~!
"Girl Anachronism" by the Dresden Dolls~! (...I ~~KNOW,~~ I NEED TO KEEP CHANGING THE SONGS. LMFAO. But I felt guilty for not including this one, since this is what got me to listen to them in the first place. ;D It went like this: "D8 AAAH THIS IS WEIRD. AAAH this is getting stuck in my head. ...AAAAH I LOVE THIS <333" LMFAOOOOO. So there you go.)


D is for Dan Deacon~!
"Wooody Wooodpecker" by Dan Deacon~! (...I LOVE THEM BOTH. LMFAOOOO. My music taste is all over the place, I know.)

E is for Edvard Grieg~!
"In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Edvard Grieg~! (See? You didn't get Viva music [I figure if you know me, you've HEARD that already], but you got THIS. ;D!!)

F is for Fiona Apple~!
"O' Sailor" by Fiona Apple~!


F is for Flobots~!
"Handlebars" by Flobots~! (...:3 Come on. This song is just spectacular. AND ~~YES,~~ I prefer this version.)


F is for Frank Sinatra~!
"I've Got the World on a String" by Frank Sinatra~! (I've got the WORLD on a string, sittin' on a rainbow. ;D Got the string around my FIIiiIIINGER. :3 pff, pure HAPPINESS.)

G is for Goldfrapp~!
"Crystalline Green" by Goldfrapp~! (IIII... ...have a CRUSH... on this song. Yes, let's just say that. *COUGHS*)

H is for Hard 'n' Phirm~!
"Pi" by Hard 'n' Phirm~! (Yes, I DID put this here to annoy absolutely everyone. 8D Thank you for asking!!)

I is for Imogen Heap~!
"Daylight Robbery" by Imogen Heap~!


I is for In This Moment~!
"The Dream" by In This Moment~! (This song inspired me to write a whole ALBUM'S worth of lyrics last summer, so... 3: I can't believe I didn't think to include it. LMFAO. GOODNESS. This meme will be undergoing revisions forever. D': *LOOKS AT THE LIGHT*)

J is for Jamiroquai~!
"High Times" by Jamiroquai~! (I've been getting into Jamiroquai [YES, I KNOW YOU ARE THRILLED, JEEBISH WHATSIT 8D] and LOVING IT, but... for some reason this is one of my favourites ;D IDK WHY. HUH.)

K is for the Kinks~!
"Lola" by the Kinks~!

L is for Lemon Demon~!
"Amnesia Was Her Name" by Lemon Demon~! (I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. ...MOVING ON.)

M is for Men Without Hats~!
"The Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats~!

N is for Noe Venable~!
"Alcina's Things" by Noe Venable~! (And the BEST part is, if you go to her website, she has a few songs up for download. ;3 Including this one, of course~!!)

O is for Oingo Boingo~!
"Water" by Oingo Boingo~! (Chosen because a.) as far as I know, it's never been officially released, and b.) THIS IS THE BEST LIVE VERSION OF A SONG EVER. ...WELL, IT'S UP THERE. AND I LOVE IT. SO.)

P is for Pretty Balanced~!
"Acid In[di]gestion, Part 1" by Pretty Balanced~! (WHO SAW THAT COMING ;DD)

Q is for Queen~!
"Innuendo" by Queen~! (BE FREE with your tempo, be FREE, be FREE~!! 8'D *SKIPS*)

R is for Regina Spektor~!
"Machine" by Regina Spektor~! (Regina is my number one girl. :3 And I love how this song makes me feel.)


R is for Rasputina~!
"High on Life" by Rasputina~! (Changed the song, because this song is AWESOME. LMFAO. 8'D)

S is for Starlight Mints~!
"Zoomba" by Starlight Mints~!

T is for Tori Amos~!
"Datura" by Tori Amos~! (...this is probably my favourite Tori song, although that's a really tough call to make. D8 But it was the FIRST ONE to spring to mind and I think it's just... <333 MMM. <-- that. SO THERE YOU ARE.)

U is for U2~!
"Elevation (Influx Remix)" by U2~!

V is for Vermillion Lies~!
"Come Down" by Vermillion Lies~!

W is for the White Stripes~!
"I'm Slowly Turning Into You" by the White Stripes~! (I LIKE TO KEEP MY LITTLE SHELL INTACT. ;D)


W is for the Who~!
"My Generation" by the Who~! (The song that got me into them, really. 8'D ~~SO~~ GROOVY.)


W is for "Weird Al" Yankovic~!
"Why Does This Always Happen to Me?" by "Weird Al" Yankovic~! (...IT'S MY ~~FAVOURITE,~~ SHH. LMFAOOOOO.)

X is for XTC~!
"Dear God" by XTC~! (The only song I know by them, sorry. 3:)

Y is for Yeah Yeah Yeahs~!
"Gold Lion" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs~!

Z is for Zoe Keating~!
"Legions (War)" by Zoe Keating~! (Oo, look--an instrumental song. With CELLOS. *points and runs away*)


you'd think I'd have more to say. LMFAO. I'm sorry I haven't been more ACTIVE lately, LJ. D8 I just never feel like UPDATING THIS FOR SOME REASON. ~~NEVER.~~

this is just a phase, I'm sure--it'll pass~!

I'M SICK, TOO, SO IDK WHY I AM UP AT 2:14 AM. oh wait, yes I do. I always do this. 2:15 AM is actually kind of early as far as I'm concerned, so. pff. I know, people look at me like I'm crazy when I say "~~IT'S ONLY 2 AM~~!!" but... I mean, PFFF. i don't know how long my body will let me stay awake like this. all the leaking and sneezing and using up Kleenex and cough drops and COUGHING!! UGH


The good news is, getting sick allows me to focus on WRITING. ;D ...sometimes. Sometimes it does the opposite, but occasionally it forces me to slow down and WRITE something. I wrote a sixteen-page story the other day. LMFAO. NOT THAT ANYONE WILL EVER SEE IT, but I WROTE IT, BY GUM. 8D I just really felt like saying by gum. Is that a phrase? I really don't know. I'd say I don't care, but that would be a lie. A terrible, horrible, no good very bad lie.

hmmmmhmhmm *thumbs up*

Let's seee... Well, I'm sure you already know about my ~~TRIP TO THE HOSPITAL.~~ I think the pain has finally cleared up and the wound from the IV is ~~gone~~ (...ugh, needles D8), so everything is fine! Aaand... I got contacted by my HERO. Well, okay, so I contacted him first, but he contacted me back. :3 Colugo. Even now that it's MAY I just can scarcely believe my... LMFSFSKFS ~~JOY~~!!! AND LUCK. srsly, people, he hadn't logged into since DECEMBER. ~~DECEMBER.~~ and he just... LOGGED IN AND REPLIED.

He gave me a super special secret song. I still haven't shared it WITH ~~ANYONE.~~ He told me not to, so I haven't. 8D I kept typing D8 instead for a little while. ...but NO, I MEAN IT. LMFAO. If I'm listening to it and I DON'T HAVE MY HEADPHONES IN, if anyone walks in I either CHANGE it or turn the volume all the way down or, if they happen to be 'voices I like to torture, I leap at them yelling "COVER YOUR ~~EARS~~!!!!" I just don't want to let my hero down, that's all.

My parents are always talking about how I should look up to disabled people who overcome obstacles and things like that, and of course I think what those people are doing is great, but... ultimately, I look up to a geek who puts his music on the internet. LMFAO. WOOOOOOW.

hum what else. WELL I HAVE "WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT?" ~~AND~~ "SUPERJAIL!" ON DVD NOW. 8'D I think I obtained them on the same week, too. ...or at least I got word that "Superjail!" was shipped on the same week. ...which was ALSO the same week Colugo messaged me back. *SQUEAKS like a fanboy* ...that was my lucky week. All THAT, ~~AND~~ I ordered new frames for my glasses and passed all my songs off in piano lessons. ALL IN ~~ONE WEEK,~~ MY FRIENDS. MY ARM ITCHES.

so I still remember it, of course.

OH!! And I live with the father part-time, now!! 8D YES, in an actual factual HOUSE!! I have my OWN actual factual ROOM. And PRIVACY. and my arm still itches ugh hold on taking care of this

okay back ANYWAY. ...what was I--OH THE ~~HOUSE~~ LMFAO I REMEMBER. um. YES!! We have a very comfortable couch, so I think I actually LIKE watching the TV again. *raises eyebrows* Right now my room is covered in Kleenexes and cough drops and cough drop wrappers, but you know. At least it isn't FAILURE DISEASE. ;D RIGHT, FAILURE ZRI?? I thought so. I ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO BRING BOTH THE "WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT?" AND "SUPERJAIL!" DVDS OVER TO THE FATHER'S. And "The Lucifer Effect," of course~! I finished "Inside the Criminal Mind."

...and "Good Omens," because I could never stay at the father's knowing that book was left behind 3:

We live with Paris the Great Dane, here. 8D ...but I miss Felix. DDDD8 little hellian.

The other day, we discovered that our DVD player has this neat feature, where it speeds things up so everyone kind of sounds like they're on Powerthirst, but they don't sound like Chipmunks and you can UNDERSTAND them. And it sloooows things dooown so that people sound like they're drunk. I watched "Superjail!" in SUPERSPEEDY MODE. LMFAOOOOO. IT WAS ~~~THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE WATCHED~~~!! I tried to slow it down a few times, too, but I would always get impatient waiting for the GORE to happen, so I'd switch it back to a higher speed and just CACKLE.

The father caught me doing all this and told me we should have never discovered that feature. LMFAOOOO. but it MADE MY LIFE. I've also started attempting to do hat tricks with my tartan fedora, which is the only hat lying around here. 8'D!! It's kind of fun.

OOO AND SPEAKING OF "SUPERJAIL!"? The sibling has FRIENDS (...and a boyfriend--a new one, thankfully not the one that hated older music and was impolite to almost everybody *SMILES* I didn't like him), and they ~~LIKE~~ it. They tried to watch it without me the other day (to see if they could "get away with it" according to the sibling), but of course I was out there the MINUTE they turned it on. LMFAO. I was ranting about "how could you watch 'Superjail!' WITHOUT ME??" and the sibling's friend John was just like "...SORRY...? D8" LMFAOOOO

trying to think of other things to talk about.

Oh~! WELL, this--...I forgot what I was going to say. I don't know, I just spaced out.

Oh, well. I'm... not taking piano lessons anymore. *THUMBS UP HM* 8D Turns out my teacher, Angie, was charging too much and even charged us when I COULDN'T MAKE IT for a lesson and she was kiiind of... rigid and inflexible with her schedule, I guess, and it just wasn't..., ideal. ;D So... there goes my recital, huh? OH WELL. LMFAO WE'RE GOING TO FIND A ~~NEW~~ MUSIC TEACHER AND I'LL ASTOUND THEM WITH WHAT I ALREADY KNOW. yep.

Besides, I'm kind of relieved because... the only things I'm practicing right NOW are basic ~~SCLAES,~~ .... ~~SCALES,~~ just to keep my fingers strong ESPECIALLY in my right hand. And right now I'm at the father's and have no way to practice anyway. You know, who knows. Maybe we'll find a BETTER teacher. Or maybe I'll find a better instrument. ;'3 maybe.

aaand... life is still in the process of moving along. but it WILL. I have a good feeling. See, this LIFE COACH is supposed to start coming over to the mother's to help me gain more ~~physical independence~~ and to help me study for the G.E.D., but... 8D you know, first nobody TOLD me about it so we had to cancel, THEN I had my little trip to the hospital and had to recover from all that, THEN the mother wanted to clean (...and put Christmas up *COUGH*) before she arrived, and THEN

she was supposed to come over on Thursday

...and I got sick on WEDNESDAY. LMFAOOOO. or as I call it offline, "Wednesldee." ...I don't know why. ...BUT LMFAOOOO I WAS ~~SO~~... ANGRY. I threatened my body to get better, but it only got WORSE. ugh i'm still kind of a mess. ...but we've rescheduled for next week. ;3 I know this person can't just magically hand me all the answers to EVERYTHING in life, but they're actually willing to help me THINK about my future in DETAIL, which... I just have a difficult time doing (I'm a big picture person, let's just say that). They're willing to help me actually take steps toward it. idk. soooo I think it will be good. I do want independence, more than ANYTHING. I want to get out of this state and live with my lovely LenaBee. and I think I'll get there.


Oh, by the way? :3 Since I didn't include it in the MEME up there?

I'll just say that THIS song by Black Moth Super Rainbow literally makes my insides smile~!! <333 AW. It takes happy good fuzzy feelings and just translates them into music. AW. I can feel my organs smiling when I listen to it.


LMFAOOOO IT JUST HIT ME: I FORGOT TO EAT TODAY. ...YESTERDAY. WHAT. well, I guess I did eat a few handfuls of chips. And I had some tea and soda.

THAT'S GOOD ENOGUH. <-- ...WHAT WAS THAT? THAT wasn't good enough, me, I can tell you that much.

i don't know, but i'm not even hungry, so who cares.

People are telling me I should go to bed. ;D I think PEOPLE are getting too accustomed to me downing NyQuil in desperation and eventually getting loopy and PASSING OUT. Too bad for THEM. *AHEM*



I'VE ASKED ~~EVERYONE~~ OFFLINE, SO FAR. So I'll ask you, too:

What is the first song you remember loving in your LIFE? YOUR FIRST SONG ~~EVER~~?? DISNEY SONGS ARE NOT ALLOWED AND DO NOT COUNT.

Tell me~! :D In comments, in entries. I want to know. I'm just curious~!!



I'm probably going to go avoid passing out, now.


life, the sibling and friends, colugo, meme!!, kerry, things, a little night muuuuuusic, idk my bff hopsicle, who framed roger rabbit, superjail! ramblings, etc. etc., music meme!!, the father

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