
Jul 08, 2006 18:05

Title: Reach
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Luffy/Sanji, implied Zoro/Luffy/Usopp
Disclaimer: If I owned OP, every episode would feature hot pirate sex. Especially between Sanji and Luffy.

My first OP fic, written for a yaoi drabble community I belong to. I really wish I'd been able to explain things a bit more at the end, but the limit is 300 words. Still, I think the ending is fairly self-explanatory.

“No, put your right hand there!!”


“No, no! There!”

Luffy’s voice reached Sanji’s ears through the closed door of the galley. He briefly considered opening the door and seeing what they were up to, but decided that it wasn’t worth the effort. Any activity that kept Luffy out of the galley was one that had Sanji’s personal approval. If the food-obsessed captain wasn’t stealing meat from the freezer, he was reaching for the older boy’s front in an effort to undo his pants and steal an entirely different kind of meat.

“Dammit, Luffy, I can’t reach that far!”

“Sure you can, just stretch!”

“That one’s too far from you, Zoro. Try for a closer one.”

“There are no closer ones.”

“There’s one between Luffy’s legs.”

“I still can’t reach it.”

“The Great Captain Usopp will show you! You have to twist a little, like this….”

“Get your hand off my ass, Long-nose.”

“There’s nowhere else to put it!”

“You touch me again and you won’t be able to put your hand anywhere.”

“It’s okay if you touch me, Usopp!”, Luffy’s voice rang out.

Lunch was forgotten as Sanji strode to the door, flinging it open and preparing to let Luffy have it for his supposed infidelity. Once he saw what was before him, however, he could only stare.

Spread out on the deck was a rubber mat covered with red, green, blue, and yellow circles. Somewhere in the tangle of limbs on the mat he could make out Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp…..who were all fully clothed.

Luffy saw him and grinned. “Look, it’s Sanji! He can get into all kinds of positions; he’ll show you how to reach it!”

Zoro and Usopp burst into laughter, while all Sanji could do was stammer in helpless indignation.

fanfiction, one piece

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