Reason #94 why I miss being unemployed: days like today suck. We were busy as hell, of course with the customers who spend forever in the store and then fill up an entire bag with their crap. Have you ever seen those big blue cloth shopping bags that Bath & Body Works has? Yep, those. They're bigger than they look. >____
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...why did i read your strike-through alksfjaslkda my braiiiin
Hey, everyone needs love. ♥ Even Elvis and CAAARRROOOLLLLL! Just picture it: "Ugh....ugh....ah.....almost.....there......CAAARRRRRRROOOOOLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!"
asdlkfjasdlkfajsdfalks daSTOP TITASDAT STOP IT
I want to see some delicious Nightburn/Persephone. :/
I swear that I'm done now.
I'm not a huge Nightburn/Persephone fan, but I don't hate the pairing. I have to admit that they're kind of cute together. I was hoping for Fereydoon/Persephone at the beginning at the game, but there's no chance of that happening. She's too in love with Nightburn, and Fereydoon is Lucille's bitch. In more ways than one.
thank you. ;A;
laksjdflaksd HAY. I wanted that, too. But then I thought about how cute Nightburn/Persephone was as it went on. And I fucking love Nightburn. SO GARRRRRR AND MANRY! and Persephone is just hot enough to hang on his arm, you know~ But I was hoping for Fereydoon/Persephone because it's really hot. *A* ALSO. FEREYDOON/VOLSUNG PLOX. oh ho ho~
Persephone = ♥ I'd totally hit that. I'm still "meh" on Nightburn. I actually wish he had died at Mt. Chug-Chug, since it would have had a larger emotional impact on the story. But I'm not losing sleep over the fact he survived. (Oh, oh, plotbunny! I'm assuming that he'll still do some work the Golem Hunters Guild, even though Chuck is now in charge of it. He'll ask Chuck something like, "How's Dean nowadays? Do you see him often?" And Chuck, who is secretly carrying on a sordid affair with Dean, will blush and stammer while trying to come up with an answer. Awkward hilarity ensues.)
DAMN STRAIGHT. Yeah, especialyl since I knew he'd live. The only screencap of him online was him with Duo and then I felt sad. Ish. But I like the idea of him and Persephone finally gettin' to ittt. I WONDER WHAT HER SISTER LOOKED LIKE? I BET SHE WAS FOXY. alksjdfasd ahahahaa totally would happen. DO WANT.
She's Persephone's sisters; she had to be a knockout. Nightburn is officially the luckiest man alive. *wants to learn his secret*
Ohhh man. Do want be Nightburn. *A*
I either want to be him or Lucille. She's got Chuck and Fereydoon fighting over her. :D
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