End of semester blues

Apr 22, 2008 20:46

I know I say this every several months, but I can't wait for the semester to be over. I'm not having a breakdown like last semester, but this is the normal "end of the term and I no longer give a fuck" mood that everyone seems to be in. There's so much left to do and the urge I have to do it is nonexistant. (Nonexistent? My god, I've forgotten how to spell.)

Tomorrow I have to present my research project in Banned Books. It's going to be boring as hell since I did an annotated source list. I honestly don't know how the professor overlooked the fact that those doing source lists would have mind-numbingly dull presentations. Mine's crap, but she did give me an A. However, I don't know how I'm going to turn it into a 10 minute presentation. But at this particular prof has completely stopped caring, so I don't think she'll care how short mine is as long as I do something.

I got done with class early today and had a few hours to kill until American Lit at 4:00. I was in the mood for a beer and thought, "Hmmm, I've been home for a few hours. It's not 5:00 yet, but who cares. It's got to be at least 3:00 by now." After popping open the can, I glanced at the clock.

It wasn't even 1:30. FAIL.

On the plus side, I've gotten inspired to write more Wild ARMs fics. I haven't written anything for fun in so long, and I've missed it. It sucks when I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head, but for some reason I'm incapable of putting those ideas down on paper and keeping everyone IC. Gah.......
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