May 11, 2012 20:04
Oh hey guys, guess who I am friends with on Facebook now? Oh just a certain dark and swarthy Indian fellow I met on a cruise ship over a year ago, and then again last week! I never got a chance last year, because I never got his last name (the crew all wear name tags, but I seriously never looked at his, I know right, I'm so bad at this). This time, I was thinking, I need to see his last name. Just for the record! So on the last day when we were in Johnny Rockets again, I was determined to see it. When he came over and was working on the milkshakes I told Caitlin, we gotta see his last name. The tags were pinned on their aprons, I knew he had one! But when he turned around, he'd unhooked the apron from his neck and it was folded down at the waist! Nooooooo
I was resigned to never know. It wasn't supposed to happen. It was a little unbelievable I hadn't gotten it last year; I always get last names from people because I remember them so much better with a first and last name. I was shocked when I got home and realized I'd never even looked at it. And now there was no more opportunity. But right before we left, when it was just Caitlin & me, he turned around and his apron was back up. I saw it right there. And I quickly committed it to memory (luckily it was pretty easy, I was worried it'd be a long exotic Indian name I'd never remember). A couple days after we got back, I looked it up and found several by the same name, but there he was. Aww. So I sent him a li'l message and added him, and today he added me back.
Let me be honest here (because why not be?), I think this whole thing is so fascinating. Like I said last year, we sat and talked for three hours and our personalities were surprisingly compatible. You know how when you're first meeting someone and you make a joke, and you kind of have to explain it? That always happens. But it didn't here! I'd even use a movie quote or something, and he'd laugh straight off - no moment of hesitation, no having to think it through - I cracked him up, and he cracked me up. We were both so freakin' hilarious. I talked about my new job at Harley, and he talked about the time Harley-Davidson had a Harley cruise and he worked on deck 2 with all the motorcycles. He talked about where he was from and how his family lived by the beach, and I talked about where I was from and how we lived in the desert. And I think what has me so intrigued is the fact that a girl who grew up in the mountains of the western US and a boy who grew up on the western coastline of India could actually be compatible at all. I mean, other than, like, his accent, I'd never have believed he was from the other side of the world.
The world is so small these days. With the internet and everything, people from everywhere have Facebook and Twitter and access to worldwide news, and anything that starts trending anywhere can spread within days, or even hours. To the point where a girl from small-town Utah and a boy from a major tourism resort town in India could meet up on a cruise ship and have hours of conversation with no lags, no weird pauses, and just have a great date (because yes I think I want to call it that). It's amazing. You guys! The world is amazing! And also AWESOME