The concert last night? Was ama-za-zing. Like I posted yesterday, I was kind of feeling like I didn't want to go, and the feeling got stronger as we were driving up there - my parents went to a basketball game, so it was my and my two little brothers, and three of their friends. And let's just say our age difference was very apparent. I didn't feel like I fit in much with them, and I knew they were all going to be in the mosh pit (which my cramping was suggesting I couldn't handle) and I would be off by myself.
When we got there, there was a huge line outside, and it was so cold. T__T Again, not feeling too hot. Once we got in, there was a huge line for Aquabats merch, but no line for Suburban Legends merch so I checked that out. I could see the Aquabats stuff from there, and it wasn't very exciting - which is weird, because usually the Aquabats have awesome shirts and such. I got a Suburban Legends shirt (it's purple! with a dragon!) and two CDs of theirs that I didn't have already. I bought them from the trombonist. :D
I was texting my mom and she said that the basketball game was close to over and they were nearby, and offered to come pick me up if I thought I would just be all alone and a loser the whole time. I really thought about it, but I wanted to see Suburban Legends pretty bad (and the Aquabats, but I've seen them four times already, so it wasn't as big a deal. I haven't seen SL since I first discovered them). So after some debate, I decided to stay. The first band was playing by then, a band called Super Hero, which sucked. A lot. The singer was flat and the harmonics were sharp, and the whole thing just hurt. I spent the time staking out a good spot on a rise, where I could see the stage over everybody and had a pillar I could lean against. It was a very good spot, and I just sat down there until Super Hero decided to stop torturing us.
Up next was DJ Lance Rock, and we were all like, "a DJ? What is he going to do?" Turns out he's the guy who does Yo Gabba Gabba!, a kids' show. DJ Lance is a guy in an orange jumpsuit and a furry hat, and hangs out with a robot and some ugly-cute monsters, and plays serious techno music, and....well....just look.
Click to view
One of the Aquabats is the co-creator of the show, so you'll see some Aquabats-action in the trailer. I thought it was pretty sweet. It rocked to watch the mosh pit. XD He did this song like kids' shows always do, you know, the ones that name specific actions and everyone does it? For "walk" and "run" everyone in the mosh pit was walking or running in place, then "hop" they all jumped around. And when he said "FREEZE!!!" everyone held absolutely still. It was hilarious. I need to watch this show now.
Then, Suburban Legends! I LOVE WATCHING THEM. They are second only to the Aquabats in bands that are fun to watch live, not just listen to. They have all this choreography, and wicked dance moves, and the trombonist flips his horn all over the place. Love them. LOVE THEM. Same with the Aquabats. They were hilarious and awesome. I can't even think of anything specific to say because it was all so wonderful. Other than THEY PLAYED CAPTAIN HAMPTON AND THE MIDGET PIRATES, which is what's really important.
After the show, the Suburban Legends guys were wandering around. Mike got a poster and was getting them all to sign it; I would have had them sign my shirt but it was dark purple and it wouldn't really show up. So instead I asked the lead singer if I could hug him. We hugged, and it was hot. XD (The lead singer, by the way, looks like Rufio. Yowza.)
And I had to be up this morning for my meeting. And my cramps are killing me. Time for more drugs and a very hot shower.