I hereby proclaim today Doujinshi Day

Jun 11, 2007 18:44

Yay for doujinshi.  I am addicted.  I got my package of 6 new doujins from Japan today and YAYS.  Sooooo pretty.  And my kanji is improving!  I was reading whole speech bubbles, and not just the ones that say "hai" and "nani?"  Two of them, a Trigun one and an Inu-Yasha one, I'll probably be reselling at the next con.  They're pretty and all, but not particularly fabulous - I got the Trigun one because it was on clearance ($3 doujin?  yes plz), and I knew that even if I didn't want to keep it I'd be able to make some money reselling it, so it kind of makes it like a wholesale order.  Sort of.  The Inu-Yasha one is gorgeous, with a lovely Sesshoumaru on the front.  That one will sell quick.  The other four are definite keepers.

First off, Refrain, featuring Howl's Moving Castle.  As is typical with doujinshi by Sumomo Momo, it is beautiful art, a cover you could just eat, and the inside is nothing but smooshy cutesy romance.  But with art like this, what else could you want?  Howl and Sophie are both drawn so well, and Howl has more of a butt than he does in the movie.  Still not much of a butt, naturally, but it looks more normal at least.  It also has some flashbacks of little Howl, and goes through parts of his life as he's waiting for this "Sophie" person to show up.  So cute.

Then, Ringfun from FMA!  Ling & Lanfan for the win.  Also, Ling & Lanfan cosplaying for the win.  One of the only gag doujinshi I've gotten that I'll keep; usually gag doujinshi are pretty stupid.  Ling as Ed is cool and Lanfan as Winry looks so distressed.

Nine-I by Akai Tsubasa!  I have only recently discovered the joy that is Akai Tsubasa.  Their artwork is really distinct, set hugely apart from generic anime style.  I think this makes them have a smaller fanbase, but those who do like the art love it madly (this is me).  I actually got the sequel, Nine-II, first, a few weeks ago.  The way they draw Zidane and Kuja has to be seen to be believed.  So I'm not going to try to say it here.  It's just awesome.

And then.  AND THEN.  Tsuki ni Odoru.  Break Mission draws the most amazing Rufus you will EVER SEE.  I will take no arguments on this point.  This is a sequel to one I already have that is one of my favorites.  Rufus, again, looks incredible in this.  Reno's not bad either, I guess, but you know that in my heart Rufus is my #1.  (So I use him as my alter ego on a webcomic.  That's not weird!  And it happened by accident anyway.  9_9)  This one is about Rufus dealing with his Geostigma, Reno trying to help him recover from the explosion and keep the disease in check, and Rufus being too proud and stubborn to let anyone help.  I can read a lot of this one!  Though, I spend most of my time staring at teh pretty.  *squishes*

Then I got another package from a nice LJ person who sold me a Generator Gawl doujinshi.  I didn't even know these existed.  This one has cute chibis and lots of Kouji being irritated with everyone else.

I swear that sometime I really do intend to scan the covers and post a comprehensive list with some of the plotlines...and then if anyone's interested in seeing the insides scanning those.  My collection is nothing but the best, since I can resell any that aren't fabulous.  XD

doujinshi, generator gawl

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