Aug 12, 2009 11:27
One of life's underrated pleasures is going to the cinema alone during the day. So yesterday I did. Along with about 20 others all having the same idea. We all pretended the others weren't there. I saw Moon. It was good. Go see it. If you like sci-fi thriller Solaris-eque stuff.
Also, I would like to marry Sam Rockwell. Or engage in 36 hours of mindless bodily contact. For research purposes.
Less pleasureable is taking all the felines to the vet for their vaccination updates. Easily enough into their carriers - it's been long enough since they were last taken out in them to forget what's coming. But as soon as we were out the door they started screaming like, um, deranged cats. Or tortured babies. I drove 3/4 mile (easier than carrying two carriers) and each time the car paused pedestrians looked around, able as they were to hear the desperate pleas of the kitties.
The vet, however, was lovely and very sweet with them and me. My GP could take some lessons in bedside manner from this guy. We will be back. In two weeks, as it turns out, to have their vaccinations completed.
As I suspected, he described them as "petite". I am sometimes surprised by how very large the cats I buttle can be, but I guess it's because they are always in comparison to mine. I came out of the adventure less injured than I had predicted, only looking like a hesitant self-harmer (I blame Dave; Harriet was wriggly but not scratchy).
And on that note, I'm off to Malvern in a bit to see the wonderful J and P and walk a little on the morrow.