Nov 10, 2007 15:54
I appear to have twice as many clothes now as I did in June.
I don't understand this.
Yes, I have brought clothes over the last few months. But I have also taken a lot to the charity shop or thrown them out. SO WHERE HAVE THEY ALL COME FROM?
When I moved out of Spooner all my clothes fitted into my big suitcase. Now I need my big suitcase. And two of the drawers in my plastic draw thing and a bag to fit them all in.
Maybe they have been infected by spores from the MBA CD's that multiply at the bottom of my wardrobe and have started breeding themselves.
OH GOD! What if my clothes are half normal clothes and half MBA CD?
Anyway, as of tomorrow I'll be living with people I've never met. And one of them has a wife and kids. I feel about 12.
But I will also be back in Sex City.