Dec 10, 2006 01:08
Not all quotes in here are mine, deal with it.
Backstory: People once wanted to live in Canada, they were once proud to be a Canadian The country had everything...and I mean everything.
And now it is nothing more than wasted space.
They had things like, justice, fairness, and freedom, and these things were more then just words they were perspectives.
But it all changed...changed for the worse.
The country had a fatal death, the Prime Minister was captured by terrorists.
They demanded the government to pay them 100 billion dollars or they would kill the Prime Minister.
Next Generation Special Forces, led by members of FOXHOUND were sent to reclaim the Prime Minister and take out the leader of the terrorists...Dakrob Dulokin Kruschev.
FOXHOUND was unable to reclaim and take down Dakrob. When they got to the warehouse where they were holding the Prime Minsister, they found nothing but a dead body...the dead body of the Prime Minister.
There was no terrorists, there was no real money wanted. It was all a ruse, a ruse set up by "The NanoComs" so they could gain access to the network, and erase all evidence and trases of a Prime Minister that was killed.
There true objective was to come into office, which they did. The "NanoComs" came into office sometime around 2015.
And now along comes a spider, he is a man whos means justify the rights. He is a man who does all he can to protect this country from oblivion.
He is a man who went through life with nothing but fear, fear got the best of him it changed him.
This man and his followers are labeled..."The Seekers Of Truth"
"The Code of Chivalry"
Remember these rules and you shall be a Knight Of The Old Code
The rules to the code are as follows:
Live to serve King and Country.
Live to defend Crown and Country and all it holds dear.
Live one's life so that it is worthy of respect and honor.
Live for freedom, justice and all that is good.
Never attack an unarmed foe.
Never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack.
Never attack from behind.
Avoid lying to your fellow man.
Avoid cheating.
Avoid torture.
Obey the law of king, country, and chivalry.
Administer justice.
Protect the innocent.
Exhibit self control.
Show respect to authority.
Respect women.
Exhibit Courage in word and deed.
Defend the weak and innocent.
Destroy evil in all of its monstrous forms.
Crush the monsters that steal our land and rob our people.
Fight with honor.
Avenge the wronged.
Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.
Fight for the ideals of king, country, and chivalry.
Die with valor.
Always keep one's word of honor.
Always maintain one's principles.
Never betray a confidence or comrade.
Avoid deception.
Respect life and freedom.
Die with honor.
Exhibit manners.
Be polite and attentive.
Be respectful of host, women, and honor.
Loyalty to country, King, honor, freedom, and the code of chivalry.
Loyalty to one's friends and those who lay their trust in thee.
Here is the sacred chant of the knights:
...Inside the circle of the table, under the holy sword, a knight must swear he will obey to the eternal code, eternal as the table, a ring bound to honour.
A knight is sworn to valor,
His heart knows only virtue,
His blade defends the helpless,
His might upholds the weak,
His word speaks only truth,
His wrath undoes the wicked.
The right can never die, if a man still remembers him. Words are not forgotten, if a voice pronounce them clearly, The Code always shines, if a heart preserves it brightly...
The Old Code....
(The Suits)
Nano Mechinized Defense Units are used by the main characters of the story. They apply pressure on the body so if anything breaks it will not move.
The suits also filter out any harmful toxins or anything of the sort. The suits cause the flow of proteins to highten causing the person to have more energy.
The hood of the suit tightly fits around the head to ensure that no one is able to reognize the person.
If there is a fatal wound to the person(s) the suit automatically releases oxygen...high contents of oxygen.
The oxygen then causes you to become euphoric, docile. Giving you a a false sense of are then free of all fear, free of everything.
You then accept your fate, your calm, your fears are gone.
Opening:The year is 2030, the once beautiful, peaceful country 'Canada' now lays in a river of blood and violence. There is no Prime Minister running the country.
The country is in a state of absolute destruction, and the will of everyone is breaking....breaking into one thousand pieces.
The country is ruled by a group of 8 people who call themselves 'The NanoComs' The NanoComs came into office sometime around 2015.
They rule with an iron fist, what they say goes, if you disobey, or go against them or even break one rule you will be killed.
The country is on the edge of oblivion, if you do something wrong you will be marked with a bar code, then an inplant is inserted within you. This inplant ia a tracking device so they can keep tabs on you at all times.
Someone wants to make a difference, that someone wants peace, he wants freedom, he wants justice and will do whatever he wants to get it.
Our story begins like any other....with words."Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. War, terror, disease. Your thoughts are corrupted, they're useless.
The corruption drove you, filled you, robbed you of your common sense, IT BLINDED YOU!
It got the best of you, and everyone you know and have come to love, it took everything from you.
How did this happen? Truth be told, the fear got to you, and in your fear, you now stand alone...alone in this god awful country.
A man...a very great man once said, "Don't obsess over words so much, find the meaning behind them, then decide"
You foolish people must understand that not everything the government says is true.
This country is nothing, we have nothing, we do nothing, we eat, think, feel, love....nothing.
There is nothing but evil in this country, an evil called "The NanoComs" and I seek out wrath, and kill in the name of justice.
My name is Frankie, and I will purge the world of all evil."
Chapter 1:Prologue
'...Inside the circle of the table, under the holy sword, a knight must swear he will obey to the eternal code, eternal as the table, a ring bound to honour...' A cloaked figure said.
'Frankie, do you swear to uphold the rules of the old code?'The cloaked figure says.
'I swear'
'Do you swear to be truthful and helpful to all?'The cloaked figure said.
'Yes I swear'
'Now repeat after me!'
'A knight is sworn to Valor.'The cloaked figure says.
'A knight is sworn to Valor!.'
'His heart knows only virtue.'
'His heart knows only virtue!'
'His blade defends the helpless'
'His blade defends the helpless!'
'His might upholds the weak'
'His might upholds the weak!'
'His word speaks only truth'
'His word speaks only truth!'
'His wrath undoes the wicked.'
'His wrath undoes the wicked!'
'The right can never die, if a man still remembers him. Words are not forgotten, if a voice pronounce them clearly, The Code always shines, if a heart preserves it brightly...
The Old Code....' The cloaked figure says
'I, king Zalem herby dub you Sir Frankie, knight of the old code' Said Zalem
'Arise Frankie, knight of the old code.' Zalem said.
Sir Frankie arose to his feet looking around at the dead bodies all around him. His knighting ceremony was done in the middle of a battle field.
After the ceremony was over with Frankie left and was never seen again....
That was a many a year ago.
So say he died. Some say he was murdured.
But the real reason he left, the reason no one knows if finally unfolding.
Frankie locked himself away, he cryogenically froze himself, because he knew the wrold was about to be plunged into chaos, he knew that someday he could do somethng.
The year is now 2030 and the world is in a state of economic depression and chaos. What you do is monitord, recylced, and refurbished so that you do not say or do anything out of the governments control.
The rules of this totalitarian government are as followed...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.Homosexuality: If you or someone you know is a homosexual you and that person are not of this nature.-Punishment-Strapped down burned and stoned to death.
2.Atheism: If you or someone you know is an atheist you and the person are not fit for this world.-Punishment- Crucifiction on a cross.
3.Deformities:If you or a child of yours or someone you know is a deformity your child is not a creature of god.-Punishment- Drowned till Death.
4.Inquiry:If you or someone you know has a lust for knowledge or anything beyond your given boundaries you are a threat. -Punishment- Lobotomy.
5.Trespassing:If you or someone you know has trespassed or is going to trespass on government property without permission is in violation of our rules and is labeled "terrorist".
-Punishment- Eye lids burned, 30 days in jail.
6.Theft:If you or someone you know has committed or is going to commit theft you are evil in the eyes of god. -Punishment- Body part covered in water, lye applied.
7.Assault:If you or someone you know has committed or is going to commit assault you are dangerous to us.-Punishment- Clubbed to death
8.Sexual Assault:If you or someone you know has committed or is going to commit sexual assault you are mentally ill and will not be saved by god. -Punishment- Body covered in needles and eaten alive by bugs.
9.Murder: If you or someone you know has committed or is going to commit murdur you are satans slave. -Punishment- Whipped to death.
10.Sedition:If you or someone you know has attempted or is attempting to perform an act of sedition, you are an enemy of this country-Punishment-Death by firing squad
11.Treason:If you or someone you know has attempted or is attempting to perform an act of treason, you are an enemy of everyone in this country.-Punishment- Placed into a room full of posions and locked in until death.
12.Terrorism:If by any chance you or someone you know has broke all the rules listed above and has not been caught you are a mockery of us all. -Punishment-Hung, Drawn and Quarterred.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A young man stumbles down an alleyway with no direction of where he is going this young man is about to meet a man, a man who will change his life forever...
"Ahhhhhhhhh, HEAD!, I'm losing MYSELF!, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" The young man screamed out.
The young man started to bash his head off the ground screaming and crying in agony.
"Whats....whats wrong with me?" Said the young man with question.
"I can't remember anything, where did I come from, I need to find an answer." Said the young man.
"Who am I really?" Said the young man with fear in his voice.
"No one quite knows who or what they are"
"The memories you have and the role you were assigned are burdens you have to carry. It doesn't matter if they were real or not.
Thats never the point"
"There's no such thing in the world as absolute reality. Most of what they call real is actually fiction. What you think you see
is only as real as your brain tells you it is."Said the stranger while lighting up a cigarette.
"Then what am I supposed to believe in? What am I going to leave behind when I'm through?" Asked the young man.
"We can tell other people about -- having faith. What we had faith in. What we found important enough to fight for. It's not whether you were right or wrong, but how much faith you were willing to have, that decides the future. The NanoComs are a kind of ongoing fiction too, come to think of it...." Exclaimed the stranger.
"...What do you mean...NanoComs?" Asked the young man looking puzzeled.
"Listen, don't obsess over words so much. Find the meaning behind the words, then decide. You can find your own name. And your own future... "The stranger told the young man.
"Decide for myself...?" He said looking puzzled
"And whatever you choose will be you." Said the stranger after taking another puff of his cigarette.
"I know you didn't have much in terms of choices this time. But everything you felt, thought about during this life is yours. And what you decide to do with them is your choice..." The stranger said to the young man.
"You mean start over?" Asked the young man.
"Yeah, a clean slate. A new name, new memories. Choose your own legacy. It's for you to decide. It's up to you." He told the young man.
With that the stranger started walking away down the dark alley, the stranger walked and walked not one footstep could be heard nor could you hear anything at all.
"Who are you?" Said the young man walking towards the stranger.
The stranger continued to walk down the long dark alley
"Who are you, what is your name ANSWER ME!" He screamed at the stranger.
The stranger stopped and turned around and threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. The stranger was now looking at the young man with a strange look on his face,
"You remind me of someone kid, I see someone inside of you, someone that we all must turn our backs on, someone who lingers in the shadows of life." He said to the young man.
"You remind me of myself long ago, you ask two many questions. I see myself inside of you, but you must throw that self away, it will get you no where in this, world I know kid."
"I am no one, just an old man, just a sad lonely, man." He said while looking away from the young man while taking out his pack of cigarettes..
"Kid?" Said Dave holding out his cigarettes to the young man.
"No I don't know if I smoke or not I cannot remember my own name let alone if I smoke or not." Answered the young man.
"Take them, never know what you could use them for." The stranger told him while passing the cigarettes to him.
"Thanks..." Said the young man with a weird look on his face.
"Whats your na-"You do not need to know my name, it is not of any inportance, but if you really wish to call me something call me me Dave." Said Dave
"Whats that you got there...that weapon..." Asked the young man reachign for it.
"Don't touch kid." he said to the young man.
"This is a .45. This semi-automatic pistol was designed for assault situations. The handgun was developed for the American Special Operations Command (Special Operations Command = SOCOM). The chamber can take Magazines containing 12 .45 calibre can fire well over 6,000 rounds before it requires servicing. It is equipped with laser sight, or a
LAM (Laser Aiming Module) and can be fitted with a suppressor. Marksmen can thus operate without making a sound." Said Dave while holding out the gun and pointing it at teh young man.
"You know a lot about guns don't you Dave?" The young man with an inpressed look on his face.
"When you fight battles as long as I have you learn a thing or two kid." Said Dave with a smirk on his face.
Dave started to walk away again, only to be stopped by the young man once again who wanted him to stay and help him out.
The look on the young mans face showed that he was afraid.
"Wait!" Said the young man holding out his hand and grabbing Dave by the arm.
Just then as the young man grabbed Dave by the arm, Dave instantly grabbed the young mans hand and twisted it and threw him into the wall.
"Sorry kid, reflects, now what do you want?" Dave said holding his hand out to the young man.
The young man went to grab his hand and noticed that Dave had a burn on his palm, which looked blood red and looked like it was wrapped in some type of cloth because of the marks on and around the palm.
The young man got to his feet and looked at him then looked down at Daves burn and asked him what it was and how he got it.
"Dave whats that burn on your palm? and where did it come from?" Asked the young man while pointing at his burn with a shocked look on his face.
Dave looked at his hand, and looked back at the young man, and motioned him to sit down.
The young man sat down and asked Dave why must he sit down.
"Why must I sit down Dave?" Asked the young man with a look of concern on his face.
"Just sit and don't speak, since you love to ask questions so much." Dave said.
"Listen kid because I am not going to say this more than once. Now sit!" Dave told while looking down at the young man.
"Okay" Answered the young man.
"My name is Dave as you already know, first off the burn you see on my palm is a chemical burn that I got from a chemical know as lye.
Lye is a caustic, alkaline chemical, which means it dissolves sticky substances like fat, and has a high degree of reactivity with other materials. Lye, in a flake, granular, or liquid form, is very dangerous and can cause damage to surfaces and people.
Lye is created out of a chemical reaction between soda, known as sodium carbonate, and calcium hydroxide, or lime. In raw form, it's made into solid flakes, chips, or grains. Chemical suppliers provide lye to manufacturers to make a wide variety of products, such as fabric, paper, personal soap, laundry detergent, pool-cleaning supplies, metal polishers, and drain de-cloggers. Since households utilize so many poisonous products, they must take care to keep cleaners out of the reach of children and only use them as directed. For instance, carefully follow the directions to clean a sterling silver gravy boat with lye-based polish, because even the fumes can be dangerous. Never use products like drain de-clogger or paint stripper without enough air circulation.
Caustic lye products pose other dangers to surfaces. They can dissolve substances to your advantage, like hair clogs in a shower drain, as well as to your detriment, such as the adjacent shower curtain. In fact, lye can damage and corrode paint, metal, cloth, plastic, and especially skin. Lye can be so reactive that, in its solid form, it should be kept away from metals, such as aluminum, and the open air. It's usually non-combustible when dry, but could ignite when mixed with water and cause a fire.
Before the modern manufacture of lye, people were able to make it out of raw materials. For thousands of years, people have used lye for soap making and tanning hides. They burned certain hardwoods at a very high temperature to make white, not gray, ashes. Apple trees, oak, and seaweed kelp make ideal fuels. Then water, mixed with a bit of baking soda, penetrates the ashes and removes the lye they contain. When the ashes are filtered out, the water holds enough lye to dissolve fat left on animal furs, or to mix with other ingredients to make strong body soap. I got the burn from the minister of torture, he is the one who does the punishments for law breakers.
I tried to steal my gun back from them when they confiscated it.
I got it back as you can see. Dave said.
"Did you just hear something Dave?" Asked the young man with fear in his voice.
Just then they both heard a loud noise that sounded like a steel door shutting on a armoured truck.
Then three men were seen walking down the alleyway towards Dave and the young man, the sound comming from their boots .
"Hurry get away!" Dave told the young man while pushing him.
Just then a shot was fired at the young man and he hit the ground, the shot was only a tranquilizer to slow down the young man.
Two of the men ran down the alleyway and stopped once they got into speaking distance.
"Do not move either of you!" Ordered the first man who moved to the left of Dave and pointed his gun at him
"Put your hands up, you, the one with the gun." Ordered the second man who moved to the right of Dave and pointed his gun at him.
"Okay..." Dave said with a smirk on his face.
"What are you smiling for pansy?" The gaurd on the left asked.
Dave turned around and stepped back so he could see the two gaurds that were on the side of him.
"Don't move!" The two men ordered while pushing there guns forwards at Dave.
There hands were shaking Dave instantly noticied this.
"Is this the first time you ever pointed a gun at a person? Your hands are shaking.
"Shut up!" The man on the left told him.
"Can you shoot me rookie? Dave said to the man.
"Were no rookies" The rwo men shouted.
"Liar. Your eyes wander. Theres no confidence in them. The eyes of a rookie. You've never shot a person have you?
"Your all talk and no show shut up." The man on the left said.
"You've haven't even taken the safety off rookies!!!" Said Dave while pointing his gun at the man on the left and switching to the right man.
Dave noticed that the two men were pointing there guns over his shoulder.
"Hey, rookies if you want to shot me you should point at me not the air above my shoulders." Dave said to the two men.
Just then Dave grabbed the gun from the man on the right and took out his .45 pointing it at the man on the left. With that movement Dave pointed the gun at the man on the right and shot him in the head.
"It seems like you two are in a tough spot." He said to the last man standing there.
Then Dave shot the man and stood against the wall waiting for the next man to come.
The third man finally made his way down, by the two men who were...dead on the ground.
Just then he smashed Daves neck with a large pipe that was on the ground.
Dave was on the ground gasping for air.
"Anthony Keta Kruschev, you stand charged for crimes against this government, you are being charged with Assault on a government worker.
The punishment for this crime is clubbed until death, do you understand what I am telling you?" Asked the third man.
"" Anthony said while trying to get to his feet.
Just then Dave flung his foot around and tripped the man who was standing above Anthony and stood there waiting for him to get up.
Dave put his two hangs out, waiting for the man two make a move. His left hand was clenched in a fist, and his right hand was relaxed.
The man got up and threw a punch at Dave with his right hand and Dave grabbed it twisting his arm all the way around breaking the shoulder in three places.
The man fell to the ground and started shaking uncontrollably.
"" Questioned the man.
"I am the hope of the universe, I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace!
I am protecter of the innocent, I am the light in the darkness!
I am truth, ally to good, nightmare to you!" Responded Dave.
He then shot him in the head killing him.
"Kid I told you to get away, fuckings kids these days think they know it all. Hurry follow me!" Dave ordered Anthony.
With that Anthony followed Dave down the opposite end of the alleyway and they made their escape behing a grocery store....
Chapter 2: Two New Faces
"Okay kid take this and go into that store and lay low for a bit" Dave said while passing him a type of grenade.
"Whats this?" Asked Anthony.
"A stun grenade, it makes a very bright flash now GO!" Dave said while raising his voice on the 'go'.
"Thanks..." Anthony said.
Anthony left from behind the grocery store looked behind him and Dave was gone to his surprise.He walked around to the front and stopped before he got all the way around.
He put himself up against the wall and looked over his shoulder....and seen a man walk into the grocey store that he had been pushing himself up against.
The man wore a black shirt(Sleves) with two metal clamps in center.
The first thing you noticed about him were his eyes, they were white pure white.
His shirt was opened a bit showing a dark green shirt. He wore an anti cross around his neck.
These were crosses wore by people of no faith, people who believe in nothing, not many of them still live around, they're dead.
The cross looked like a regular cross upside down.
The two side points of this cross go out a little bit and go up on one side and go out a little bit and down on the
He has long white hair down to shoulders.
Black pants that have straps comming out of the sides.
Two red lightning bolt tattoos one under each eye.
He folowed the man into the store where he found the man too be looking at a young women walking out of the store.
This young woman had long blonde hair, and pure white eyes, just like the young man.
She had a pair of black pants on with pieces of fabrick comming down off of them.
She had white button up t-shirt on she was like an angel
Anthony seen the look on the young mans face, he seemed to be in love, he heard him say " she...she is beautiful."
He hid behind a shelf and moved some stuff around, and peeked through the tiny space that he had made for himself and continued to watch the man stare at her walking out.
The young man ran after the woman and stopped her and started to speak.
"Excuse me, this may seem a bit odd to you but... I have seen you around here a lot and I have always been afraid to say hello to you, because you are beautiful. My name is Frankie it is a pleasure to meet you." Frankie said to the young women.
"How sweet of you to say, my name is Samantha, the pleasure is all mine Frankie, you really think I am beautiful?" Asked Samantha
"Yes. Your the most beautiful women I have ever seen." Replied Frankie
"Thank you, well I have been waiting long enough, I have seen you watching me, here is my address come stop by sometime." Samantha said while writing her address down for the man.
"I will, thank you." Frankie said after taking the piece of paper with her address on it.
Frankie then continued his walk into the store and a man bumped into him.
This man had blue jeans on that seemed to be a bit baggy at the bottom he had a grey shirt on with a black vest over it.
He had brown hair and it was quite long with to bangs on each side of his head that went down to his lips.
This man was holding a pole in his left hand and pointing at the man with the other.
He had a strange look on his hace and began talking.
"I am Reeve The Hero of Everything Small and Pigish, you dare touch me, you dirty scumbag" Said Reeve
Anthony moved the items that were on the shelf around so he could watch the two men fight.
"I have not done anything to you sir, you were the one who bumped into me you must be mistaken." Frankie Said to Reeve
"Me Reeve? I never make mistakes, are you calling me an idiot?" Questioned Reeve
"No I am not sir, I would never call you an idiot, why would you think that?" Asked Frankie looking puzzeled.
"Sir? I am no sir, do I look like a sir to you idiot. Thats it I have had it with you, we are fighting right now right here." Said Reeve
"You guys will have to leave if you are going to fight, or else I will have to call the police." Said the shop clerk.
Just then Reeve smacked the shop clerk over the head with his pole knocking him out.
"No, no, no, I did not mean to offend you in anyway Reeve I was just trying to be nice, I do not wish to fight." Frankie said.
"Okay, I forgive you, put her here pal." Reeve said while putting his hand out.
Just as Frankie was about to shake Reeve's hand, Reeve jumped on top of him and started biting his arm.
Frankie kicked Reeve off of him and he flew in the air and hit the wall and fell to the ground.
Revve got to his feet and rubbed his head and continued to bitch and complain.
"THAT FUCKING HURT!" Reeve screamed
"What is your name so I know who I have beaten.?"Asked Reeve
"My name is Frankie Avalon Vakuta, and if you wish to fight me step outside like this man has asked." Answered Frankie while pointing to the shop clerk who was now on the ground.
"I DO NOT LISTEN TO FOOLS LIKE YOU, I AM REEVE HERO OF EVERYTHING SMALL AND PIGISH!!!!! AND I WILL DESTROY YOU" Reeve screamed at Frankie while jabbing his pole at him.
"More like the Hero of everything small and stupid" The young man said and started to laugh, as he grabbed the pole from Reeve and tossed him threw the window.
Reeve then landed on top of a traffic cone that was near by.
"By the way there Anthony I know your back there, come on outside." The young man said to Anthony.
Anthony looked amazed because he was hiding behind a shelf and you could not see him.
"Ho...w did you know I was here, ho...w do you know me? Who are you?"Asked Anthony
"I know a lot about you... Anthony Keta Kruschev and I will tell you in due time." Answered Frankie.
Frankie motioned Anthony to walk with him out to see what Reeve was doing, they could hear him sobbing.
They both walked outside where Reeve was holding a pylon in his arms and caressing it gently.
Reeve began to cry and hold it up to his face and telling the Pylon it would be alright and he is going to pylon heaven.
"Heh, you snogging that pylon Reeve?" Asked Frankie.
"Shut up this pylon was so loyal to its job, he stood proud, he wore his orande coat and , stood where no one else would. I am going to call him Billy, Billy after the song." Reeve said
"It is a pylon Reeve it is not ALIVE!" Exclaimed Frankie
"I know because I killed it." Sobbed Reeve.
Reeve began to sing for the pylon Billy.
"Billy, don't be a hero! Don't be a fool with your life!. BILLY DON"T BE A HERO! DON"T BE A FOOL WITH YOUR LIFE!. Why? Billy why?" Sang Reeve.
Just then Reeve stood up and looked at Frankie and started to speak.
"I shall destroy you for what you did to Billy, SAPPHIRE POLE ATTACK." Reeve anounced.
Reeve ran over and slashed at Frankies head with all his might but instead of hitting him in the head he kicked him in between the legs.
Reeve then jumped back and stood beside a garbage can which had its top half off and Reeve got an idea, he could use this as a shield or a weapon.
"You...dirty, you hit me, hehheheheheeh, you will pay REEVE!" Exclaimed Frankie.
Just then Frankie started to laugh and hold the top of his head his eyes turned black and his two red lightning were now two black lines that ran halfway down his face.
He started run around and jumping and doing backflips, and front flips until he came to a stop got down on all fours and made a wolf houl.
He then ran over to Reeve jumped up onto two feet and grabbed Reeves pole and broke it into two pieces.
"My...pole...." Reeve said with a depressed look on his face.
"I WILL KILL YOU!" Shouted Reeve.
Frankie then glared at him for a couple of seconds and did a back flip and kicking him in the face while he did the backflip. He then ran back by Anthony and hunched on all fours and started to speak.
"Anthony leave now, I cannot control this for much longer." Orderered Frankie.
"What? No! I am not leaving I will stay and back you up." Replied Anthony.
"I said GO!," Ordered Frankie again.
"But...Frankie" Anthony said looking sad.
"NOW ANTHONY GO!" Screamed Frankie.
Anthony then looked down at Frankie and just stood there.
"I am not leaving." Said Anthony.
Frankie then grabbed Anthonys legs and broke them and gave him a punch to the face knocking him out.
Frankie then ran to Reeve, and Reeve started to talk and Frankie just ranted on about how he would kill him.
"You cannot be me I am Reeve the he-"Ya we know hero of everything small and pigish, don't you ever shut up?"
"Shut up! look at you, all that is different now is your eyes are black and you have two emo lines under your eyes Frankie you are fighting a losing battle." Said Reeve
"No Reeve, you are the one fighting a losing battle, and call me Rue...come lets FIGHT!" Said Rue
Reeves face trembled with fear and shock.
" can' AWAY FROM ME AHHHH!!!!!" Reeve said while running away.
"How can you be a hero if you run Reeve?" Asked Rue while getting back to his feet and started to run at Reeve.
He caught up to Reeve and jumped on his back and Reeve let out a cry of pain."Ahhhhh"
Then he jumped back and stared at Reeve.