I'm a nice drunk. Too nice.

Mar 03, 2006 16:28

Fat Tuesday, wheeew... I didn't mind getting plastered, I mean, sure I was going to Dallas the next day to make a drop at Panavision, but surely I could just sleep in the car, eh?
Yeah, boss made me drive.
I'm nice when I'm hung over too. ::rolls eyes::

So work's basically over for a couple of weeks.
Friday Night Lights went well, if not just terribly boring and cold as fuck.
That and my goddamnfuckingboss hitting on me constantly...

Why I've decided that I would rather be a GRIP in the long term over being an ELECTRICIAN:
Electricians plug shit in, and then just stand around...it's BOOORING!
It takes more hand strength, and not as much balance and coordination, the parts of strength I'm good at.
Electricians hit on me more, and are more gross about it.
More grips have wives and lives. Grips are more humble and active people. They remind me more of myself in that they do projects outside of work, and enrich themselves.
They don't go for the big well known titles like "gaffer", they're just satisfied with being kick ass at what they do. That jives with me a billion times over.
That, and gripping is just more fun to do and learn from. There are more places that you go with it, more things to do constantly. Camera grips, dolly grips, rigging and building things. It's more involved.
Sure, electrics still interest me, but I'm more interested in wiring and generator operation, not running cable and plugging shit in.
Plus, the weight distribution is more fucked up, and can screw up my back faster, without building good tone and strength. I've got to think about my long term here.

None of this is to say that I won't take the electric jobs. They go hand in hand, and well...it pays the same.

So yeah, work won't fire up again 'till the Rodriguez thing. In case you didn't know, Rodriguez is shooting Grindhouse starting this month. I'll probably get day play work, but I'm too new to the group to be a regular on the crew, so my name won't be in the credits or anything. Give it a couple of years, eh?

I'm hoping to start working on my catapult soon. A key grip I work with has a shop at the Austin Studios and says that I can use his extra wood to build from. I'm taking him up on the offer, as soon as he calls me back.

Tonight I'll go see Buckethead and Kid Beyond play. Scott shot me an email earlier this week to see if I wanted his extra ticket, which I wouldn't pass up unless I was working. Hooray show!

Sunday I'll do a little gig with my buddy Tim Cole. Just a morning thing downtown, really short and really early.

Tomorrow I could either go to the Independance Brewery with some friends if they're still up for the free beer and tour, or I could go to Staple, the independant comic convention...but it doesn't sound like Heather or Shanta plans on going, or remembered that it was happening...
Either way, I want to bloody do something tomorrow.

goal, job, stuff

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