Sect? Satire? of Satanism?

May 09, 2005 01:48

I know, it's a cutesy sticker that I got at the doctor's office...but it's kind of like Cthulhu....

Anyway, just got back from a brain session on the Cthulhu Devival at Fang's place, and I can't even describe how happy I am to be involved in this mess.

I've already got my costume down...

See, when I was out making things explode with my buddy Steve, he brought along a friend of his who happens to be into leather working. We're going to make me a pair of knee high boots and some gauntlets. I'm also getting some horns from a taxidermy shop and we're mounting them to my head. Then, as an actual body for an outfit, I'm doing the tortoise shell from japanese rope bondage, and using the loose ends as whips (simulated tenticles) and will probably tie them into nooses and catch people with them or something along those lines.

If you can think of any hotter suggestions, feel free to let me know.

So I'm reading up on some Lovecraft thanks to the loverly mrfang, and hope to get some more good books to borrow from either his roommate or aethyrflux.

I'm hoping to find some great quotes to pass along to be screamed into the masses by the heratics of the Yellow Sign, and to just generally use to stir up the crowd.
I have this idea that people should be chanting, and I know just what, if we could actually get them to do it.
You never know how others will react.

Still, it's sounding like things are coming together frightfully well.

Just as an addage...the film Dagon is fucking hot! Hehehe...


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