So Far...So Much Better...

Apr 18, 2005 21:44

I have a two points to make in this post. My new found friendship with my ex Daniel, and all of the fun things that I did over the weekend. I'll go in chronological order to denote the value of each experience, since rebecoming friends with Daniel is actually the best news I've ever had invloving him.

So starting Saturday, I went with pinkflesh17 and aethyrflux to Johnathan and Sharon's Game Day. We got there late, but I was still able to catch into a game of Gloom, a card game where your motive is to kill off all of your characters with the most horrible negative things happening to them as possible. It's a terrific game.

I went from there to see The Animation Show with Don Hertzfeldt appearing live. My sister subverbal, her boyfriend, and I all sat straight in the front row as to be a kick away from our speaker, the man who's spoon is just far too big... I was lucky enough to run into galen1 there and we got to hang out for the rest of the night.
Ohh, so how's Don you ask? Well, on that first night he was very tense; obviously not used to lots of people, especially not lots of people interested in him... He reminded me of a young Johnny Depp, but looking nearly as old as he does now, with the more gaunt features and all.
Hey galen1?, who was it you said he reminded you of? I need to look into the silliness...

So after the show Jason and I went to meet up with blanu and Charles and his fiancee...damnit...forgot her name... Anywho, we went to the Underwear Party...which was full of a ton of silly very drunk hot college kids. Charles kept sloshing around yelling "Woooo SLUUUUUTS!!!!". That was funny... And the kids kept pissing in the grass like it was going out of style. Seriously. Aparently, if you get a bunch of college kids half naked and fully drunk, they figure to just skip a step or two.

Alright, so Sunday, I was asked to come work on a job that I did today and am also working on tomarrow. I turned it down to go ahead and help aethyrflux with his art car, which we found out as a broken radiator. Yeah, craaaaacked! So we can't do anyhting until that's fixed. We went ahead and did some of the painting...but then it started raining. Yeah...

Anyway, damnit, I got to go to Slosh Ball with calamityjune and another Chupa, Tristan. (hot). Throughout the whole car ride down to Pease Park I couldn't help but realize that I was with the hottest examples of the human species that there are.
So what's Slosh Ball you inquire? Well I didn't play, but as I understand it, it's a very messy game involving an oversized kickball and a keg of beer. basically, every player has to carry a cup of beer while they charge around the field and tag eachother out... As a rule, you can't spill all of your beer...but you're probably going to spill most of it. Everyone coming out of the game came covered in beery mud. It was quite heroic.
I also ran into old friends, my buddy Doug, and this chick whoes name I can't remember, but we went to school together, and she's an awesome chick. I was so happy to see that they're still together. I mean, they hooked up in maybe her last year of highschool or something. Thems is good people. They've got this cool doggy Felix who they were walking in the park while eveyone was sloshing around.

galen1 got back in touch with me about seeing The Animation Show again, and we planned to see it with pinkflesh17 and Tristan. (score).
It was, of course, worth it to see it all over again, and this Q & A was much better than that of Saturday night's, because Don had been drinking and so didn't putter around the stage shyly, he actually had the nerve to answer questions. Plus, unlike the saturday night crowd, which seemed to mostly be chicks who wanted to fuck him (poor little thing), the people last night asked some damn good questions, some of which involved his equiptment and how he went through the animation process with such ancient tools, and even questions about the other animations in the fesival. It was a great show.

[Post Edited Here for an intollerable amount of blather concerning my very premature crush on someone who I am way too excited about and am trying to forget about before I start tearing shit up.]

Anyway, after an admittedly very little amount of sleep, and a slight buzz having gone on since some hour in the afternoon on Sunday, I woke up for this job today, and got a ride to set where, of all the trucks in town, of course they had to have hired my ex's...the Five Ton from GEAR. Luckily, he wasn't being rude to me today, and in fact ended up getting me to talk to him about the last time we saw eachother on a job a few weeks ago, where he had been very mean with me. I posted about it... Anyway, he talked to me, and told me what had been up.
Apparently, back when he broke up with me and I had rebounded really fast with Jeff from Chapman in California, well guess what happened? this is the really sick part about the industry...apparently somehow, some people in the industry found out that I was fucking Jeff, thought that I was still with Daniel and that I was cheating on him, and made sure he found out what I was doing...
He told me that he felt humiliated that I could throw him away so quickly and that so many people would know. I had no idea that what I did to get over emotions that made me feel sick would ever hurt someone so much.
It makes me feel sick to know that people actually gossip so much.
He didn't even know who heard it first, it took a while to get to him. Worst part was looks out at all of the people reading this post, he heard that someone who reads my lj had seen that I wrote about Jeff and THEY spread the word.... YOU DUMBASSES!!! If you saw that I was fucking another guy, you could have at least noticed the part where I wrote several times that Daniel and I had split up!! Stupid journal reader of doom! I blame you for hurting his feelings like that ::sticks tongue out::

Anyway, if time itself isn't enough to heal all wounds, at leat communication is. I think it took a little of both. I'm actually really glad that we had so much time apart. I had plenty of time to realize just how miserable I was with him. Not because he's not a good guy....but because he's not my type of guy (or grrl ;) ). Anyway, now we're capable of being friends, work buddies, compadres, partners in minimal crimes, and the occasional walrus humping. He's a good guy.

love/less, experience

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