So I've come to a conclusion. I'm used to partying with a safe crowd of people who, when you get hammered, have soft things to crash on, or have arranged that you have your own soft things...
When I got blitzed on Saturday night out at a bar around a bunch of coworkers I remember looking up and realizing that not only was I very far from soft one around me would easily provide said soft things without thinking that there was something wrong with me...
Not the situation I'd like to be in.
So I've realized, I don't have to become SOBER for the rest of my life to just get things straight... I have a new goal to
stop drinking around strangers, because they're not gonna take care of me. That means NO DRINKING WITHOUT SAFE FRIENDS, and if I start with those friends, we can't separate in the night, because I lose track of safety and just continue to drink.
Now onto the really cool shyte...
Here's an interesting set peice that I took a photo of for you peoples so you could see the sort of cool shyte I do and work around.
The lights rigged up on the lift behind the gorgeous set piece are compliments de moi ;)
And here's a shirt I made on Saturday!:
Just showin' off... ;)