Life can only be understood backwards...

Sep 28, 2006 19:07

Yet only lived forwards...

So I just finally resized all of the photos that I cared to resize from my journeys around Burning Man.
After all of that I don't even feel like posting about Burning Man, since there's so damn much to write about it, and goddamnit, I've got a lot to say about life recently too!

I've been so fucking up and down lately. There's stuff that I can't fucking talk about. but in the name of PANTS, I just wish I had someone I could talk to!
...not lonely, mind you. My problem is knowing absolutely no one who could understand "things" who I could talk to. It's fine though...not much time to talk anyway.

So much work... I've been going on bitch rants in my head about how people who don't know shit or who aren't in the union are getting hired and kept onto crews just because the key or gaffer love them or something...
I'm admitting right here, I've been letting it get me bitter.
Hey, we've all had our breaks, but it just seems really obvious to me that some people have it fucking handed to them. I've gone over this before. Yeah. Same old shit.
Hey, I know, I can't really complain. I mean, I may not be anybody's favorite, but I'm still getting plenty of work.
I still can't afford a decent car.

So I've been doing lots and lots of research lately. Read up on enzymes and decided to get a digestive enzyme pill so I can absorbe my food better...That sounds weird, but so do a lot of things lately.

Today's sucked. I came home last night and crashed out, then woke up with a full day off and wasted it by doing nothing but stuffing my face and falling back asleep, waking up several hours later and stuffing my face, and haven't gotten off of my ass to do anything, but at least I resized those photos, which I guess I should make a post with...

Aww, geeze... Okay, so I'm sick of being down. Just...I feel like everything I do is to the max, and there's not enough FUN being taken to the max, ya know? I work, a LOT, when I eat it's always past the point that my stomach hurts, and when I do finally get a chance to sleep I do it for half the day, then do it again!

Sorry to be bitching and all, but where's the quality of life? See, last week, I tried not letting myself sleep to the point of full restfullness, not letting myself eat 'till I was full, and I ended up getting all faint and almost passing out all the time, so yeah, now the opposite extreme.

I feel like I just don't know how to take care of myself properly, and fuck, like I don't ever have time to do that things that I want to do. Even to stop and with a rested and focused mind pin point the things that I want to do...

I just can't get my head together.
Something's just...missing.

Ohh yeah, and that whole suspension thing fell through...That's been getting me pretty down...

depression, stuff, health

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