Summer Class List

May 03, 2007 13:56

I seriously need to remember to get the word out. So here's the listing of my ongoing classes.

Wednsday Nights 7:30-8:30pm Beginner Belly Dance
Fitness Mom 340 Anawam ST (hwy 118) Rehoboth MA. register with Julie Sweet 
cost contained in membership to Fitness Mom
Covers basic technqiue, simple combinations, intro to props.

Saturday 11:30-12:45 Tribal and Tribal Fusion Beginner to Intermediate
Dance Oasis 1670 Warwick Ave Warwick RI
This class forms the student Troupe Daughters of Neylan. Performance is optional.

Saturday 2-3:15 Tribal and Tribal Fusion mixed levels
Alicia's Dance Studio 224 Winthrop Rd (hwy 44) Rehoboth MA

register for Saturday classes  or 508-254-1714
cost $60/6 or $13 drop in

Private instruction by appointment. or 508-254-1714
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