Not written by me, and there are parts of it I don't agree with. But there are parts of it that I, so definitely do.
I want a divorce
By John J. Wall
Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists, and Obama supporters, et al:
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Comments 8
I agree with you on the health care issue, that was one of the things that I differed with the author of the article on. Strongly. Health care in the US is a mess, and needs to be fixed. But it's something I think should be available to everyone.
As for politicians and corruption... I think our system has a lot of failings and a lot of corruption on both sides of the aisle; and the bigger the government gets the bigger the problem gets. It's frustrating.
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The one that amused me... I thought ANWR was the wildlife refuge, and Anwar was Gabrielle's last name and Sadat's first name. Heh.
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