Jul 21, 2004 18:59
Well things have calmed down some around here. My sister and I had a long talk and decided that we need to get over what happened because we are sisters no matter what. The whole family went camping for 5 days. It was fun at times and other times there was just too much family time. One person can only handle so much.
Well tonight I am going to see the guy I am falling for. I have a bad feeling that he doesn't like me even as a friend anymore. I'm probably just over-reacting but I don't know what to do. I really like him and wish I could tell him how I feel but I am afraid that I will lose him completely if I haven't done that already. I just don't know what to do anymore. I want so bad for him to trust that I am not going to hurt him like his ex's did but I don't know how to reassure him anymore than I have without scaring him off.
Well I don't know what else to write because I am tired so I am going to end this.
Just wanted to say my usual hi to my cousin Jaime and my friend Stephanie.
Alos I'd like to thank a certian someone for making me out to be a slut even though I have done nothing......LOL.....you're a goofball KoolWhip