Burn, Witch, Burn is a old fashioned horror masterpiece. The film is about Norman played by Peter Wyngarade a sociology professor whose primary focus is to disprove the occult and superstition. He discover's that his wife has been practicing witchcraft to protect him from "Dark Forces". Tansy played by Janet Blair is a quite eccentric (if that makes any sense) who has been practicing witchcraft and hiding all her amulets from her husband. There is a wonderfully well played scene where Norman finds all his wife's occult goods and sprawls them all over the table for her to see. He scorns her for her ridiculous behavior and beliefs in he supernatural. She becomes hysterical as Norman tried to shake some sense into her, She agrees to allow Norman to burn all her toys but she warns him that she will not be responsible for the consequences. OF course the very next day all Hell breaks loose. The end is a bit predictable but still great.
Peter Wyngarade does a wonderful job being the scornful skeptic who is humiliated by his wifes beliefs. You believe his performance through the entire movie. Janet Blair also does an excellent job playing Tansy. There is a great scene where she is tearing apart the house looking for a small doll and trying to convince her husband she lost her shopping list. Classic.
Burn, Witch, Burn is a classic and I strongly suggest the film for everybody. Its creepy, suspenseful and a good watch. Right now its on Netflix to stream. Enjoy.