Jan 27, 2006 22:43
It makes me SO incredibly happy. It really does.
Oh btw. I watched Bones. That made me happy happy. But honestly, I would have not only been happy happy, but happy happy happy if the reception on our TV hadn't been so crappy.
So I was down on the Venice Boardwalk the other day and I see Ricky
And I don't know if you guys know this
But Ricky and I hooked up one night and were rolling
and I NEVER called him back.
So anyway, he looks at me and he's all like, psshhh
And I'm all like, "whatever!"
And the other day I was just picking up a few things from GayMart USA on Santa Monica
And this guy walks up to me,
and he's just one of those guys that just DOESN'T know how to work out
(you know the kind of guys I'm talking about)
He just had these massive arms and a HUGE chest
and absolutely NO calves...whatsoever.
So anyway, he walks up to me
and he's all like, "Hey, I totally know you!"
and I'm all like, "pssh, whatEVER!"
So anyway later I'm outside of Rage
oh and by the way Rage is SO overrated
there were absolutely NO hot guys there
and I spent like 40 chickens on 3 Stohli vanilla ginger ales
and I didn't even catch a buzz -
-They should change the name to RAGEOUSLY overpriced
and just NOT cool.
So anyway I'm outside and this little cutie patootie drives by
in this Alfo Ramayo (??) Spider with the top down,
and this PERV walks up to me and he's like,
"Hey, pumpkin!"
and I'm all like, "Oh, WHATEVER!"
'Cos this is MY West Hollywood lifestyle whatever!
and this is my West Hollywood lifestyle what-EVERRR
and this is. My West Hollywood lifestyle whatever.
So it's 3 AM and I'm out in the alley
trying to find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of Jason's tootsie pop
(Jason's this little hottie that I met at the antique store in Fairfax one Sunday)
So anyway,
Officer Steven comes up and he's all like, "Hey, I thought I told you!"
and I'm all like, *muffled sound from mouth being full*
So then, up comes Bradley
and I'm all like,
"Hey Bradley, you little bitch, what's happenin'?"
and he was like, "Notta mucho!"
and I was like, "I am SO right there with you!" *tee hee*
'Cos this is MY West Hollywood lifestyle whatever!
And this is my west Hollywood lifestyle whatEVER!
And this is. *whispers* My West Hollywood lifestyle whatever.