Apr 12, 2010 12:55
I need to use this bloody thing more. So far this year I've just posted a lot of weird stuff, and things that are way out there. Guess it's kind of a reflection of my life right now. Lot's of stuff way out there.
Here is a sample of things.
-Looking to move in temporarily with my parents here next month at the end of my lease. I'm not entirely happy about doing this and this is one of the biggest things I've been trying to avoid. Let's just say as much as we love and respect one another. We don't entirely get along in a living situation. Not to mention the fact I prefer to be out on my own.
However after a tally of the facts, and my current life status, the benefits do outweigh everything else. When I get my job situation resolved I'll actually be able to save money and get me a better place to live in than where I am at now. It will also be easier for me to get work elsewhere and be able to move. Something I am taking into more and more serious consideration. Or perhaps be able to work elsewhere on a temporary basis and not have to worry about keeping up an apartment and the worry of what's happening with my crap.
I'm at a new stage in life right now. Time to figure out where I am going to go with it and what I am going to do.