Title: A Love Story - or how stubborn Alphas always get their way
Author: Kira_dark_wing
Rating: nc-17
Pairings: Adam/Kris
Disclaimer: I own nothing - this is just the places my crazy mind takes me
Prompt no. 10
summary: Kris Allen is a werefox, which is really unfair, because everyone else in his family is a werewolf. No one treats him differently, but Kris feels like he doesn’t fit in. Until he meets Adam Lambert, the new Alpha for the Arkansas region.
Adam’s all sleek black and sparkly and gorgeous, so Kris should totally feel out of place, and yet he feels like he’s known Adam all his life. Kris has never gotten along with anyone so well, and he’s feeling comfortable in their friendship until Adam informs Kris that he plans on making Kris his mate, despite Kris’ objections that a werefox and a werewolf can’t be a mated pair.
Can Adam prove to Kris that the ways they’re similar matter more than the ways in which they’re different, and make him believe that love really does conquer all?
A Love Story - or how stubborn Alphas always get their way on AO3 GORGEOUS art over
here by the amazing