Guh. I'm so lazy lately. It's really lazy I am. I said I would get in shape this summer. Didn't happen. *sigh*
I should stop using me traveling a ton as an excuse to not do anything while summer is still around.
Oh well. THATS LIFE!
Jeez. It's really stupid, but I'm super nervous for high school and for school to start.
I don't think anyone really realizes how socially retarded I am. I am really, REALLY bad. *facepalm*
Oh well. I'm sure I'm just worrying for no reason. I'm sure I'll be fine. But older people scare me. XD
I hope I get into classes with people that I like! *makes mental list*
I can't help but feel like I'm not going to do enough though. Maybe I'll do polevaulting...evidently it's good for people with gymnastics background.
I can't wait to take Japanese though! It's going to be great! We will speak Japanese all the time and annoy people even more MUAHAHHAH!
And also I'll be able to understand what I listen to/watch all the time >.>
Oh my lordy. I went to the movie Wanted today with my mom, Steve, Kelsey, and Kristen. IT WAS AWESOME. It was so hardcore, it's not even funny. It was like Fight Club; I couldn't watch the parts where people were getting beat up.
I loved the placement of the word "fuck" in every sentence. It was nice. XD I love James McAvoy. He's too cute. And Angelina Jolie still freaks me out. But I like her anyway? *shrug* And Morgan Freeman. I love his "freckles"
LOL at Che from The OC being there. It was great when he got hit in the face with the keyboard. Just great.
I also saw Mamma Mia this week with Logan, Alex and Nick. WOW. That was one insane movie.
I bet everyone was high as a rocket while making it. All in all, I loved it. Don't tell anyone though.
I liked it a lot! I love Colin Firth and Meryl Streep is awesome.
It was really cheesy though. I would cringe a lot while watching it.
Logan had like a look of disgust on his face the whole time! haha
Alexandra and me were flipping out from laughter.
It was a really sweet movie.
The whole time I was thinking; My mom would LOVE this!
The whole movie theater was filled with Mom aged people. XD
Ok I lied.
But has anyone seen AAA's new PV for the single Music!!? It's really cute ^-^. I liked the piano in it a lot. I love Hidaka. And Shuta. And Naoya. And everyone.
But not Nishi. Ever since he was a girl in his photobook or whatever...guh
I will never forgive him.
[Yes I will. Don't worry.]
Shuta's part was cute! And he's just cute.
I liked Hidaka's rap. Haha and the dance they were doing at that part.
Cheetah...ahh I love his voice! Do you see him in those overalls? Do you?!
Oh my god he's adorable. Look at his tiny hands, kudasai!
And chiaki has lines! She's really pretty!
*clap clap*
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