Okay, I'm a big Avatarard and I can't say I was satisfied with where the finale left us, not just with shipping either. But also several plot holes and unanswered questions. So I decided to write a post war fanfic fic and HOLY HELL! I can't belive the response it's getting! Its already got over 1,000 hits and right at 50 reviews! It's my most
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We're a fun community that's all about sending and receiving gifts throughout the year. From birthday presents and cards to holidays such as Valentine's Day and Easter, to random events such as a chocolate exchange or a homemade gift exchange - and best of all, you only have to sign up for events that actually interest you, and you can choose whether you want to only exchange gifts with people from the same continent as you or from all over the world.
And now's the best time to join, because we're currently running both a Secret Santa gift exchage and a Christmas Card Swap, so come and sign up and help other LJers celebrate the winter season!
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