Title: Destiny's Savage Heart (Part 1 of 2)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 21,492
Cover #2Summary: The sky. The sea. Their destiny.
Written for the 2007 SV Harlequin Challenge
Notes: This story is very loosely based on the legends surrounding the colonization of Roanoke Island, Virginia in the late 1600's and my interpretation of Native
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One thing: You have Alex getting back to England in December of 1586, but at his mother's and brother's funeral in March of 1586. Shouldn't the return to England take place in December of 1585? Or am I figuring the timeline wrong?
And good grief yes, It's supposed to be 1585. I thought I cleaned all those up when I re-did my timeline. I'll have to fix it when I post to my LJ and SSA, I'm sure teot won't want to fix my mistakes here. Darn.
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