Intro/mod post, yay!

Sep 05, 2009 22:49

Howdy! Thank you for stumbling across/joining this comm. Warms the cockles of my heart, it does.

So, what exactly is this about? Glad you asked!

In the tradition of similar comms harlequin_bands, harlequin_sga, and spn_harlequin, it's all about fanfiction about our favorite Idol boys and girls falling in the style of cheesy Harlequin romance novels. You know you love it ;)

All countries, all seasons, and all contestants (heck, even judges and hosts) are welcome. Het and slash are welcome in equal amounts. There's absolutely nothing to be scurred of here.

There's different ways to go about this challenge: if you have a favorite novel lying around whose plot you'd like to use as inspiration, have at it! Or if you're stuck for ideas, eventually I'll have a post up with blurbs from real romances some of these I may or may not own for you lovely writers to knick an idea or two from.

And unlike traditional fic challenge communities, there's no deadline, so everyone can write without pressure!

Any questions? Feel free to ask 'em here. Be schmoopful and multiply!

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