Parental retardation... hopefully it won't go on for much longer.

Feb 13, 2009 07:55

Hopefully this news will be spread more than the ignorant fear mongering wives tales that vaccination can cause autism.

It makes me angry to think that a parent would be willing to put their child in serious risk of illness or death simply because they "heard from someone that vaccination can cause autism".

Here's a tip.. if you hear something regarding your childs health and safety.. do some research or ask a medical professional!!

[Article taken from Pharyngula]

The vaccine-autism argument suffers another failure

Category: Denialism
Posted on: February 12, 2009 12:41 PM, by PZ Myers

A special court has reached a decision: vaccines don't cause autism. On one side were families with sad and tragic anecdotes of children with serious developmental disabilities, and on the other…

The government argued during the 2007 bench trials that the plaintiffs' claims linking the vaccines with autism are not supported by "good science."

Likewise, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and the Institute of Medicine have found no credible link between vaccinations and autism.

It does not diminish the pain the families have gone through, but it's not enough to announce that you suffer, and therefore you get to lash out at a target. The causal relationship has not been discovered to the satisfaction of either science or the law.
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